No need to save patterns?

Hello all,

I have to say that I have the MD for a long time & I love it.
It’s been a while that I played with it and I seems that I was forgotten that when changing some note trigs into a track it does overwrite the existing ones & you can’t get them back by any undo :frowning:
I saw in the manual that it’s not needed to save patterns, you just copy them to a new one bla bla.
These limitations & work around to it is getting on my nerves!
Just wanted to share, beware!

You can save your snapshot when you have the patterns as you like. After which you can mess around with them all you want and just reload from the snapshot to get back to where you were before. I just get in to the habit of saving snapshot regularly if I’ve made progress I want to keep.

Before tweaking you can also copy the pattern so that you can recall it with paste.
Or, more safely, copy it to an empty pattern/bank that you use as a checkpoint.

Elektron logic is a bit different than a computer/DAW, but with practice it feels more natural.

thank you for the info!