No New Gear Year 2023 AKA NGNY 2023

The Pulsar-23 assessment

I think that should be a whole separate thread for all owners :sweat_smile:

I think part of that is, from watching videos, that they tried to keep everything analog but still make it possible to have digital like features.

They also just released the user contributed patch book which looks very deep.

Anyway, I’m also hoping to go deeper this year with everything too and especially Pulsar-23.

I’m gonna need to reference this post later in the year. :grimacing:

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I’m in. Recently for the past 1 to 2 years I’ve been learning and using Renoise and it has been great in terms of finishing songs, or at least getting them to a point I’m happy with uploading them for people to listen.

I think my problem in the past has been searching for bargains, with the mentality that if i find one, i can always sell it for same or more if i don’t end up liking it. I usually do end up liking the gear, but don’t have enough time to learn or room for them in my setup.

My current setup is:
Mpc one
Mpc 2000xl which i haven’t used in a while
Analog 4 mk1
Keystep 37

Here is an article from last years thread which was eye opening in terms of dealing with GAS

The writer talks about how not only are you paying for something, but there is a 2nd price to pay in terms of time invested to learn and use.


Tbh I had no idea what % to put down for pulsar, or some equation or symbol. It’s very usable with the basics but all those wee pins up the top….

You’re braver than I am. I definitely don’t know what to put for the same reason. Plus I haven’t droned with it yet but I’m hoping change that. The first section of the patch book is all drones.

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I’m in. I tried and failed last year but I’d like to give it another shot. Put me down for one year from January 14th!


What a weird way of looking at things but if it works as a useful perspective for someone, why not I guess.

If you’d get an instrument or a book for free, would you say you are still paying for it if you enjoy every second engaging with it and otherwise you’d have nothing special going on just because our time here is finite?

I mean I would kinda partly agree with this idea if the stuff one buys is making it unnecessarily difficult or downright impossible to focus on whats essential.

For objects like instruments, and electronic instruments make no exception, the time “invested” to learn how to operate the instrument well enough to start really enjoying it is lost once you resell it, so to say.
Actually that was something that prevented me from selling the Analog Rytm I knew so well, more than the pleasure I had playing with it.
And imagine you buy an AS-1 that you learn from A to Zonly to find later on you can’t bear menus.
If your time is getting rare because you have a busy life, this indeed feels like you’ve payed a price in money and one in time. It does to me, at least.


For many ppl the learning stage is the most fulfilling part and the feeling of wasting time sets in when things plateau out.

Of course these things rarely are fully one extreme or the other in reality though, and you learn new skills, gain experience and create lots of memories so I wouldn’t say it’s all gone.

“Nothing lasts… But nothing is lost.” :slight_smile:


After getting my studio super organized today, I started using old gear that I had not touched in a long time with my newer synths. It was fun and put desire away for the year. Using the Korg Mikrokorg with my Virus, OB X8 and Moog Sub 37 was powerful.


I toyed with selling it or buying other gear to patch into it. In the end I have resolved to really learn the stuff I don’t know then next year so what to add, maybe the flux sequencer which looks good. But pairing it with a more straight forward drum machine like DR2 is great - been said many times pulsar is not a bread and butter source of drums but I defiantly use it as a percussion synth.

Count me in, I didnt buy anything in 2022 and not planning to buy anything this year either.


But from a GAS perpective, obviously getting something for free is ok. It’s when you buy things due to GAS, but then you don’t end up using it or learning it which for me has been a problem. Of course if the instruments you buy end up being used well, then i don’t see a problem.

Sure, but what I mean is that dedicating your time to learn new skills doesn’t necessarily equal you’re paying something. If one is capable of learning or experiencing nothing by dedicating their time and energy to something that would of course be another story.

Quote from a boutique module manufacturer’s recent newsletter.

“Given that 2023 needs to be a year of much increased sales from my
point of view, I was less than pleased to see a recent forum thread
going by in which people were pledging not to buy any new gear this
coming year, and encouraging others to commit to the same. You gotta
do what you gotta do, but I hope you’ll consider a perspective bigger
than just yourself. My company can’t survive if everybody stops buying
gear for a year. I’m not the only one in such a position, either.
Promising NOT to support us is not necessarily a virtuous position.
Maybe people could spend less on new gear this year, but commit to
spending it with small manufacturers who need the business, and that
would be better for the hobby as a whole.”

  • North Coast Synthesis, Toronto

There’s 73 of us.

Surely we’re not putting anybody out of business. There’s thousands of people on this forum posting daily in the “My latest purchase” thread and millions of people outside of this forum buying new gear constantly. We’re not overthrowing the government. We’re a small bunch of people trying to change our unhealthy ways.

Funny that I myself own a business, yet I almost weekly post to my business’ social media something about overconsumption, trying to live greener and telling people about the hoarder’s homes I’ve visited in my job and trying to convey that it’s stupid to buy too much stuff and fill your apartment with it. When we die we get to take none of our belongings with us. They all go to the waste bin unless a relative cares enough to save them.

The way we westerners live needs to take a sharp turn if we’re going to keep living on this planet for a few more generations.


Not much of a business if we are lol.


But in any case, if they’re talking about NGNY, I’m quite happy.
This movement has gained some momentum if we’ve been noticed by a small manufacturer.

I wish all the best for North Coast Synthesis and I hope they survive in these tumultous times. As I said, I’m a business owner too and in a country neighbouring Russia, I’ve spent many a sleepless nights contemplating the future of my business too.


I feel like most people also buy used gear anyway. But i do hope more people support small businesses and it would be ashame for small businesses to go out, as it is already a pretty niche market to begin with.


There’s a thread like this on ModWiggler, and that’s probably what they’re referring to.


do you have a link to that thread?