No New Gear Year 2023 AKA NGNY 2023

This is the hard part of a NGNY. Empress Effects announced a 10% increase.

It’s FOMO, but as a reverse sale… buy now at regular prices before it costs forever more money later.

I’m okay passing this by, but I hope this isn’t what we see with other makers.

It’s another reason I can appreciate Chase Bliss Audio for finding a way that keeps them happy without raising prices.


There are always early-adopter prices for things on Kickstarter, or regular sales with a time limit for other things. It’s not hardware, but it makes me appreciate companies like Valhalla DSP. This is the (very reasonable) price and always will be the price (with free upgrades). Anyway, FOMO is GAS essentially with some marketing added on.

Agree with you btw, in case that sounded like I was making an argument against what you said :slight_smile:


It’s hard not appreciate Sean Costello. He’s a good guy who’s kept the same prices since he launched. I just checked my emails and it goes back 2010. Obviously not the same hardships with hardware part and distribution, but costs have gone up.

And no worries! I was agreeing with you too so I didn’t take it any other way.


So lately I’ve been stressed at work and also am having relationship issues. Last year when I was like this, i remember buying a few pieces of gear to feel better.

I’ve been practising meditation and gratitude for the past couple of years which has improved my mental health immensely. Just the other day, I thought to myself how grateful I am to be able to make music, and if GAS is considered a problem for myself, then I feel very lucky as I know there are others out there who are struggling with everyday life problems much worse.

Anyway just wanted to share this random thought i had.


This is great, and it’s how I view most gear videos now - what interesting ideas are presented in the Latest Thing and how can I use them with what I have? Someone recently mentioned a comb filter on the Octatrack and that inspired me to build a moving comb filter in Ableton with a really nice result.

I’m not signing up for the NGNY challenge - I have a few more ‘utility’ items to get this year which will help me make use of what I have, but I want to offer my support. I was really struggling with looking at my phone too much until I lost it in the house a couple of weeks before Christmas. I found it the next day, but somehow that did wonders for breaking the habit which app timers and other solutions couldn’t. So that’s my challenge for the year, to keep it up. (I post here from my computer :smiley:)

One thing I learned that might be helpful is the HALT acronym. When you are tempted by a behavior you want to stop doing, HALT and think:

Hungry - this one maybe doesn’t directly apply to GAS, but being low on energy might make you feel more like browsing and buying.
Angry - if you’re angry you might want to soothe yourself by having something pleasant to look forward to.
Lonely - making a new gear ‘friend’ may seem like a good answer. Maybe better to be better friends with what gear you have, chat with a friend, or visit the forum.
Tired - when I feel too tired to produce something, sometimes I browse new gear instead of working on music. I get around this one by firing up Ableton until I get a cool idea, which sometimes gives me energy to get into my workspace.

I hope that is helpful to somebody here.


This is an interesting list. I’ve come around to the idea that maybe what you’re purchasing is effectively a sort of obligation. Maybe that sounds too negative or heavy (the right obligations can be liberating!), but in thinking more deeply about the required time investment I’ve been able to swat away any GAS flare ups.

After finally beginning to seriously sell a few things off after last year’s NGNY/NNGY, I also have a strong “cost” associated with simply getting rid of something. There’s photographing, listing, responding, meeting local buyers, packing & shipping, worrying about it traveling safely, etc. Maybe it’s just me, but there is also the emotional component of letting go with the ones I had worked with for a long time but knew didn’t fit my style or workflow anymore.


My gas is definitely always peaking when I’m stressed about things, or simply exhausted. The best cure is always to just get some sleep and wake up and make some music.


Currently 26 days booze free :slight_smile: I’ve been walking more, and this last week felt motivated to go Bouldering again after a near 10 years hiatus. The relevance is that it creates less GAS, or occupies my mind with other things more, and fends off stress and anxiety (the friends of GAS)

Added bonus is I have caught a cold, but it’s only hitting me with about 30% of what I would usually expect to heal.

I guess my point is, whilst considering how to beat GAS - think beyond the immediate issue and examine lifestyle more generally (not about to preach that everyone should stop all drinking - that’s a personal choice).


Awesome!! It always takes some time for the good decisions to pay off and the effects of the bad ones to fade out but the difference really is like night and day.

Very cool to read stuff like this!!

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GAS never occurs to me while I make music, but does when I don’t and am a bit bored/frustrated etc…

So far, when a thought of something else for my studio arises, I mentally project me with my gear and that does it. I’ve got more than enough to play and create with.

It’s tricky but I’m rather focused and so far find it gratifying. That process, that is.

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Read this excerpt today and leaving it here:

In What to Do Between Birth and Death, Charles Spezzano says that people don’t pay for things with money; they pay for them with time. If you say to yourself, In five years, I’ll have put enough away to buy that vacation house, then what you are really saying is that the house will cost you five years—one-twelfth of your adult life. “The phrase spending your time is not a metaphor,” said Spezzano. “It’s how life works.”




Could make it better short term, could make it worse since youll probably not use the stuff and buying stuff is not focusing on the problem at hand. I think more gear will just build on what seems to be your burden. (But i dont know you at all, just talking as if i were in your shoes). Best of luck and take care, what ever you do, youre worth it!

too late for me, maybe next year :joy:

I almost caved yesterday, driven by curiosity about a Nord drum 2 for sale here at a very good price.

I thought « opportunity that can’t be missed at this price » and « I could always resell it with no loss » and « its size and feature are interesting »…

But. I have a Nord drum 3p that I love. And don’t make as much music as I’d like, due to time. And started to feel heavy, projecting myself buying it. Then I backed of before bed, as I did want to feel light.

Sorry for the fellow elektronaut for the back and forth. In the end I’m super happy, with still a little feeling of hangover from the adrenaline rush and emotional hoops.

Thanks for listening :blush:


Were you browsing sales posts/forums? If so, it seems like that would make it harder to make it through the NNGY.


Not too late.

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I’m reading the forum unfiltered.

I’m one who stopped smoking cigarettes while having some at home, and not avoiding smokers. To each their own :blush:

My approach is to avoid the feeling of struggling. It takes more time (maybe) but I feel that I own my choices and life, not going against the grain.

Again, that’s no life advice, only what works for me.

Thanks for the comment, I appreciate!


I feel great, and bad… because I just bought a Digitakt for 380 EUR. That price was just too darn good to pass up on. So, I guess that means I’m out of NGNY, even though I already sold devices for more than this amount. But please, my dear NGNY buddies - you can see why I jumped at this opportunity, right?! :smiley:

To compensate, I will immediately put my Korg Minilogue XD up for sale.


Hey great for that price, and it seems you’ve thought this one for a while!

I’d say, it’s not too late to pledge to yourself to actually put the DT to good use for the year to come and refrain from buying more stuff, if that’s what you wanna do.