No New Gear Year 2023 AKA NGNY 2023

January could be seen as a transitional month…


Only if you say so.

The point is to get rid of bad habits and it’s only human to fail while aspiring to something great. It can be very difficult at first. If the intention to change things is still there, keep at it!


I definitely have, but I’ve been hesitating between the SP-404 MK2, the Digitakt and even the SmplTrek. I recently ruled out the SmplTrek because it sounds like it’s not very performance oriented. Honestly, at this price point, I would have been happy with either the 404 or the DT, but the DT is the workflow I know I love 100% so I feel it’s the right choice.

I’ll definitely commit to exploring it deeply this time, both as standalone and as a duo companion alingside the Syntakt. And, honestly, if I don’t enjoy it, I’ll sell it at a profit. Not that I’m into trading, but it’s a good excuse to hit that purchase button without hesitation. :slight_smile:

Sometime it’s taken me buying a particular bit of kit 2 or 3 times before I eventually commit to it, or having something sitting unused for a year or more before I re-discover it, and eventually start getting somewhere with it.
Weird side behaviour of GAS I suppose!


Yeah, that can definitely happen. My usage has changed since I changed my goals with the hobby. It used to be to just make tunes for personal enjoyment, but since I committed to uploading jams on YouTube as a way to actually finish a song and move on, I’ve become much more deliberate about what hardware I actually look for. I bought both the Hydrasynth Explorer and the Minilogue XD Module with the idea that they’d give me “inspiration”, whereas I’m now specifically looking for hardware to jam on. The Syntakt is perfect for that, and with the Digitakt on the side, I have everything I need now.

Weird thread to discuss this I suppose. Anyway, Minilogue XD now up for sale too, trimming down according to the plan!


Good choice. I tried the SP-404 MKII but it’s super slow compared to working with DT.

On DT it’s crazy how quickly you can get around.


Going to sit in on a repair operation for my EQ today and hopefully take away some sekrit knowledge so that I can fix the rest of the backlog on my workbench.

That’ll be nice for GAS and clear out some items… old small guitar amps I can donate to youth music spaces, etc.


Ya avoid the sales thread and recent purchase thread.

No need to mute. Just don’t open it or track those threads. Others enthusiasm for what they just bought my create some need you think you have for something you didn’t know you ‘needed’ before and probably don’t need now.

Just try to get thru the year and you’ll find you may come out the other side actually knowing what would werk for you vs constantly thinking this new piece will be the one that does it.

For me, it really changed the way I look at gear. Feel I don’t get all wound up over gear anymore. It feels so much better. Not advocating not buying gear, but I am all for getting control over shitty spending habits and constant baiting of manufactures trying to entice people to buy shit they don’t need.

I’ve become so anti advertising, I wish I could do something about it. To think I went to school, initially, to be a commercial artist. That could have been ugly


Totally. And it’s another chance to repost Bill Hicks:


I’ll stick around in this thread this year. Although I’m already disqualified, I’m still committed to not buying any more gear. I’ll pretend that this was a purchase I made in December and my new year starts now.


Thanks. But as stated above, I’m doing it in my own way and it’s not my first ride.

I read what I read, I love reading the latest purchase thread and cultivate being cool with it :).

Break out that Mayan Calendar. Technically I haven’t bought anything since September so… you know….
Actually you can have one of my months. Boom, your set.


There’s no disqualification nor medal here! (From my point of view)


Those weren’t directives, just suggestions. I read them too. But they have no affect on me. In fact, the Latest Purchase thread has the opposite effect. Im kinda ‘repulsed’ a little at the amount of shit people buy.

But I’m no studio person, and have no ‘need’ for anything. Those that actually need the stuff for werk…well that makes sense.

For those that get output from it…awesome. For me it’s a road block.


Yeah, not from others at least.

Had I handled this perfectly last year I would have probably felt like I had accomplished something. Because I failed a little bit I was a tad angry and disappointed with myself, which was good bcs that was a big and clearly needed part of the challenge for me.

I’m sure ppl who succeeded last year felt a well deserved sense of accomplishment and I want to see how that feels this year.

Anyhow, last year was the most productive year I’ve had in ages and I’m sure that goes for many of the participants as well.

Giving someone shit for failing would be a dick move and v counterproductive whereas reminding them of what the whole point is might possible work for preventing just giving it all up immediately.

tldr; Avoiding guilt and gaining self-respect is where it’s at IMO.


Today’s the lunar new year - the year of the rabbit! You can start from today.


Putting my hand up to partake this year as well. Haven’t figured out my exact parameters yet, but I’m already on board with the spirit of the project.


I’m not the keeper of the NGNY scrolls or commandments, if such exist, but I feel like this is fine.

If an item is on the “deeply considered and definitely will purchase list” it’s a waste to pass up a real bargain, wait 12 months and then have to pay 200 more or whatever. At worst, leave it packed away for the year.

On the other hand, if you find a bargain on something you hadn’t really considered before, or you have a stupidly long list of wants, and then spend a ton of time justifying it… well that’s GAS in action.


He has broken the scripture send him to purgatory :wink:

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Appreciate the understanding. :blush: That’s really it, I knew I wanted a sampler and I’ve been certain that the Digitakt is the perfect choice for me given how much I appreciate the workflow. The SP-404 would probably drive me nuts from a workflow perspective.

Indeed, that’s a good example of GAS. I haven’t had that kind of behavior since 2021. That’s incidently how I ended up purchasing the Korg Minilogue XD. Today, I’m rarely even intrigued by new hardware because I know my friction points quite well.