No New Gear Year 2023 AKA NGNY 2023

I am also keeping YouTube deactivated on my phone at all times, unless I have a specific need for a tutorial or want to watch a a non music related video of some use - after which I re-deactivate it. Going to find the app and not finding it is another good reminder.

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for the inconvenience, I’ve deleted the app from my phone and using only browser to watch particular videos by using search only, I use firefox focus for that purpose as it does not remember anything and every time you open it you have to open the website and search again. that extra inconvenience is very useful to prevent not wanted usage of many things, mostly utube but also other sites you find distracting.


Well comrades, I fell off the wagon. A combo of extreme stress and tiredness set me off this afternoon. I won’t talk about what I got (not the place for it), but it seems like two NGNYs back to back was a bridge too far.

I’m owning up to the sin in hopes that you all keep me honest for the rest of the year. 🫡


Ive been more or less very unsuccessful this time around (not that I had a hard commit)

I will continue to move towards a less impulsive and more mindful considered approach to gear though.

Stress seems to be the biggest trigger for me and with a lot of extra funds for the first time in my life I’m finding things harder to balance.


I totally relate. I’ve been working on cutting out a lot of digital clutter this year. I unsubscribed to almost every mailing list I’m on, deleted tons of apps, particularly social media stuff from my phone, unsubscribed to tons of YouTube channels. Pretty much the last step to take is this forum, and I’ve been avoiding it. In fact, cutting out all the other random stuff has meant more time on here.

I know I need to get this site in check, but I’m trying to think of the best way to do it without cutting it out completely.

I’m thinking of limiting it to once a day, maybe at the end of the day before I go to bed, or to a few times a week if that’s too much. Has anyone else created any self-imposed restrictions on internet sites. Just curious, how it has worked or if you have better suggestions.

It has become a habit to just pick up my phone and open this site up, so I know I need, um, habit reform.

The intention is not purely to cut down on gear lust, but to free up time for more productive things and to be more present in the real world rather than looking at my phone all the time.


I think this is a massive issue in today’s world. Well done for taking a hard look and addressing it.
You look around these days and see people, friends families even not spending time together but all glued to the screen for hours on end each day.

I cut out all news media, and severely trimmed social media a few years ago. I did all the things above like deleting apps, unsubscribing from lists/alerts, and I only kept Facebook and ditched every other platform. I still use FB a couple of times a day, mainly to chat about music stuff, but I un-liked everything, left all the groups, basically deleted as much history and info out of it as is possible. I only have friends that are actual friends that I’ve met in person!

It really does help with anxiety, stress and depression for me. I can stay largely out of the cycle of bad news/righteous anger, pointless and toxic arguments, and the conveyor belt of shiny stuff to buy. I do think it’s impossible to escape it completely, but you can definitely get it down to a manageable level.

For this forum I turned off all the alerts, and again just check in briefly a couple of times a day - mostly this thread or if I want advice about something. I find myself not checking sometimes, and definitely not obsessively hanging on gear threads any more. Even using some of this time for actual music :open_mouth:

Finally I should say it took time, and a few slip ups along the way to get to this point, but mentally it’s much better for me. If only I could apply the same thing to children and work stress :slight_smile:


Yeah, I cut down on the news a while back, which is definitely good as you say.

As much as I’d like to delete Facebook entirely, it’s the only way I have of keeping in touch with a number of people so I deleted it off my phone and put it on an iPad I wasn’t using much. Now if I really want I can look at it on that, but the reality is I probably will hardly ever look at it now, which was the goal. I’ll also do what you said and get rid of most of my data there. That’s a good idea.

I think I’ll try my idea I mentioned earlier and try to keep my use of this site down to once a day. This is definitely going to be the hardest social media to get a grip on, but it’s so easy to fall into a trap of just staring at your screen when you get a free moment, and it feeds GAS and cuts into time that could be spent on other hobbies considerably.


Absolutely. I think you’re approaching it right. Check specific topics at a set time or only 1-2 times a day, stay away outside that. I keep Facebook for music stuff, nights out and keeping in touch with people I don’t see.

I’m doing therapy and meditation for anxiety & depression just now (as well as meds) and a lot of that is about changing my relationship with anxiety rather than removing it (an impossible fight). I see GAS the same way, I will never be able to remove it entirely - and I wouldn’t expect never to buy any gear ever again, but I can keep it in check by changing behaviours.


I deliberately own only a few devices. I don’t have the time to deal with many devices in as much detail as they deserve. Furthermore, I don’t accept spending too much money for a hobby. Owning only few devices also brings advantages regarding the infrastructure: All I need is a small mixer (if any), I need fewer cables, no thru-boxes, patchbays, and things like that.

When I look at the usual gear photo threads, I tend to get mostly excited about the small to very small setups. Of course, I do enjoy looking at the “dream studio” photos. Still, I find it much more exciting to get as much as possible out of as little equipment as possible.

I rarely buy new equipment on the fly. I need the anticipation, reading the manuals and things like that. Sometimes it even happens that my euphoria already wears off in this phase and I don’t buy the device. But after I buy new gear, I put all my other devices away temporarily and do only things with the new device. Until I have it reasonably under control.

All of this above helps me keep my GAS under control. It doesn’t always work, but most of the time it does. And it doesn’t hurt at all.


Bummer alert.

I’m wondering if it would be possible to ban myself from here for a predetermined time or something. I’ve been in really deep waters lately. Severed my ties to my mother 2 weeks ago and therefore basically to the rest of my family as well, due to her alcoholism.

That has kept me very self-isolated irl and thus added to the time spent here, as well as lowered the quality of my output undeniably.

Yesterday I begun wondering if it could be possible to ban myself from here somehow to avoid additional stupid shit for happening.

I will definitely still be doing the NNGY as planned without a doubt.

During the last 2 or so years this community has become a very big part of my life and I really don’t want to make it suck for anyone, but I feel like at times I probably do.

I want to channel my rage and sadness into making something beautiful or at least not hideous.

Sorry about this buzzkill but as I’ve already stated, this community means a lot to me and I just wanted to kinda express some things that are going on atm.

edit: As I’ve been so active here I didn’t want to just suddenly disappear.


Msg the mods. They’ve previously helped me outwith a self ban and it was real helpful. Dunno about predertermined time though.


Sorry to hear that.

I haven’t noticed you making it suck for anyone here. In fact, I think you make very nice contributions.

Good luck.


Okay. That sounds good. I didn’t want to create a new thread bcs of this as this is kinda overly dramatic as it is. We’re you able to not access this space at all or how does that work?

Thank you.

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To be honest I can’t remember exactly how it worked but I def couldn’t interact with the forum. Mods got in touch with me and lifted the ban after I created a new account a few months later. Getting off the forums gave a lot of breathing space.

Those sorts of family stuff can be pretty tough so I hope things work out for you.


That’s good to hear!!

Thanks!! It’ll be fine. Just some time and careful directing of energy and focus is needed now.


Sorry to interrupt, but how do you close an account?

imo only by asking the mods to close it

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I got off this forum for about 3-4 months last year after selling my Prophet 6 and Sub 37 to focus more on mental health, diet and excercise. It did wonders for me and I flourished socially, spiritually and creatively in this time.

I’m at a point where I am compulsively checking Elektronauts forum again and it does seem to reinforce my GAS and a few other negatively geared neuronal loops. Especially now that I’ve deleted Instagram and Facebook; this forum and YouTube have become the last bastions of soft fuzzy disconnect from my issues.

I’m not sure what advice I would have for anybody struggling with spending habits and internet usage. For me, it took a lengthy process of deep reflection, self work and discipline (with self love) to carve out some breathing space and start dealing with stress and grief in a compassionate and healthy way. I do understand that this can feel near impossible when impeded by lifes pressures.

For now, I’m gently focusing towards getting my sleep cycle healthier, spending more time in nature and Microdosing. Eventually hoping to make way for bigger steps like getting off this forum, slowing my spending and building overall health again.


Where is the list of mods?