No New Gear Year 2023 AKA NGNY 2023

Lots of wisdom here and very relatable.

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under Our Moderators


Thanks for sharing that. I’m the same. Down to here and YouTube basically. Despite being on here a bit today, I spent a ton of time working on an audio/video project, so I think I’m moving in the right direction, although it’s going to take time to break/build new habits. A step at a time I guess.


You 100% don’t make it suck, you’re a valued member.
Take care of yourself, storm will pass :+1:


Thanks man! :pray:
Glad to hear and I appreciate that.


I’ve just had 7 weeks off work working due to mental health and it’s taken me a good chunk of that and some meds just to be able to just sit calmly in my own company again (something that used to come naturally to me).

Lengthy is the word, it takes time to work through issues, the key thing being building new habits little steps at a time. To anyone struggling with GAS or anything else, keep it in the day and focus on the actions you can take and keep taking. Change will come!


Actually, calling @Mods works and is more convenient :slight_smile:
Is perfectly possible to get suspended voluntarily for some time. I totally understand such decision since I’ve been playing with such idea for the same reasons, lately


just double checking that cables are ok to buy, I really want to take advantage of the dc coupled outs on my audio interface and experiment with sending CV from Ableton to AR, also I want to experiment with the AR as external compressor and maybe try using again the tr-6s I have laying around, just for layering some percussion.
I have 6 cables at the moment, 2 patch cables (very very short) and 4 trs cables which is very troublesome to shuffle around all the time.
if it’s frowned upon I’ll keep using what I have, but it would be much easier for me to have some 4-6 extra cables just to connect things permanently.

I’m GASing hard for new (open back) headphones and thoughts like “yeah open back is much better for stereo image and they probably will sound clearer” are creeping in, but no way I’m going to get them because there’s nothing wrong with my DT770 and getting new ones is just new headphones to learn so I’m not going to fall for that! :muscle:

but some cables would make my life easier for sure…


I’d say replacing pieces of gear that break (or are stolen etc.) during the year is kosher. And so is acquiring cables, memory cards, plectrums and such. Don’t be too harsh on yourself. But also, don’t be too kind on yourself.


Hi everyone,

Still doing good here. Quick question, what are your depth-year strategies? I have currently boxed everything (DN, DT + Traktor S3) to fully focus on Ableton + Push 2 + Minitaur combination. I am going to stick to that for at least a month (maybe two). There is soooo much to learn here…


so far I have not bought gear this year all the pre order stuff from December arrived early this year so I am good. With how complex each piece of gear is to learn and use such as the mighty Virus TI2 and Hapax sequencer, I won’t want for anything really. Plus everytime I power up my Oberheim it really inspires me how massive and immediate of a synth it is. My studio has the essentials of analog and digital and plenty of mixers and recoders to produce live jams. I focus on my production skills this year due to past complaints on the audio quality for my jams and videos.

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I digged up my A4 that I havent used for maybe 4 years and been exploring some presets. I am working on a personal project where I have to do more “cinematic” sounds and have been having a blast once I just forgot about the Elektron sequencer and just playing it with midi keyboard. Looking forward to track stuff soon but have to do some graphics first…


Also have made the decision that if finances allow, I will get the MC202 mod by tubbutec if I have a chance and how I look at it, I am still in the game after that since I own the synth itself and it is more of a maintenance thing than actually getting something new. And also been waiting for that for like 3-4 years now heh.



I’m no professional and mostly do music as a hobby and creative outlet, so my advice may not hold much weight, but here’s what I’m trying; I’ll play an instrument at least ten minutes every day.

Synth, keys, ocarina, kalimba, whatever. As long as I’m making some sounds or even just tweaking settings. Usually I wind up pretty lost in it and play much longer than I expect even on days I’m not feeling it, and I’ve come to love that.

Although this is not a terribly rigorous practice, the exposure and familiarity (with synths especially) I gain over time is building up tremendously. As someone with a full-time job plus young children, this is working out for me.


same here 1-2 hours daily is my target goal with split between guitar and synths. Guitar is more challenging for me to master but complex synths and modular have similar challenges to master and learn.

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Quit watching YouTube altogether . . .


I really find playing rather than purely programming/sequencing helps.
I’m learning MPC at the moment and some days I’m not even recording any sequences, but practising finger drumming, or playing drums along with some song on the radio.

I need to be better at this but I agree. Before YouTube and the internet, people taught themselves to make music with manuals and instinct!

@Jedilicious 100% packing away most of the kit was a huge help to me. In fact, I’m getting on best with only one box in front of me at a time.


Same as always…just to make ONE track I like.

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@Wolf-Rami Would you mind adding my name to the list? I put my hand up a week ago, a bit late to the party, but keen to give it a go.

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Decksavers are allowed, right?