No New Gear Year 2023 AKA NGNY 2023

decksavers are not gear, it’s insurance!


I think accessories are just fine, and you know whether the purchase would be bothersome or

The main thing to be wary about is if they disrupt the flow you’ve got set up, if you need a box for
your cables or if you want to buy a new desk that requires downtime to move and re-cable your gear, for example.

Basically, is it a way to acknowledge your gear and think about it without/instead of turning it on?

Unkind is not as maintainable, perfection is not achievable (or we wouldn’t be seeking these paths.) I’m in it for learning better relationships between the stuff within (that i can’t buy and is extremely limited in the time domain) and without (credit and dopamine fixes can be more easily acquired, but necessarily take time away from the intangible me. the hardware stuff can sound great, but it can present several hurdles to getting off the ground.)

Alright so today I had this weird sudden urge to buy the plugin that uses IA to sort your drum sample library. Was totally convinced I had to have it for my next musical step.

So tonight I’m sorting my samples myself with good old folders.


Open Backs are much more comfortable in my book, also less pressure on the ears, means better hearing when we get old. Investing in health is never a bad thing.


I like this idea, especially as I am also in the full time job + young children category :sunglasses:


yeah I really would love to switch to the DT990 but right now I feel that it’s definitely new gear as I have these thoughts of convincing myself that “hey look over there - better thing”…
so for now I try not to spend over 2 hours with the 770s, if I do I have some ringing afterwards , maybe this will be the thing that breaks me this NGNY :slight_smile:
not yet though…


If it becomes a health issue then imo thats not GAS.

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I had these ringings and some hearing issues from after the time I had the corona, so I’m not 100% sure that it’s because of the headphones or just the effects of this virus, if it’s going to get worse or too annoying then I’ll probably switch…

agree. will never use in ear, and avoid closed backed. I believe, I dont know, that allowing the sound, especially the bass, escape, doesnt crush your eardrums. like @Sternenlicht suggests…less pressure.

also, safer on the street [or slopes] being able to hear what’s around you.

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Off-topic chat on cans

There’s another aspect, maybe: it seems the surrounding coming through helps getting the overall level relatively constant, while with closed cans you might only find the volume has been too loud for too long when feeling the fatigue…


thats just it…ive never felt fatigue with open, have not suffered any hearing loss or tinnitus…even at my ripe old age. but I dont crank them either, dont feel they need to be.

a discussion for another thread I would imagine

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Ahem yes indeed :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I failed. Made a sell and a buy. Nothing impulsive, and it feels like the right, thought through move, but none the less a fail.


No need to be completely dogmatic about it. If it feels like the right, thought-through move, you just made an improvement to your setup and should feel happy about it.

As long as you don’t second-guess your choice and the GAS continues - like it’s honestly doing for me. :see_no_evil:


Thank you. I don’t feel gas creeping in, but we shall see. I’ll keep you all posted.


I applaud you for making the first step to the confessional.


Haha that plugin almost got me too!

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You can always buy it later !

( a great GAS killer )


unless it’s out of stock
sorry… inappropriate…

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I’d like to buy no gear in 2023. Except that I’m tempted by these 3 devices :

  • Windbubble windshield for my Sony PCM-D100
  • Meng QI Wingie 2 stereo resonnator for my DoubleKnot
  • Tula mic for my OP-1f