No p-locking LFO trigger type?

I think I know the answer, but just wanted to confirm.

There’s no way to p-lock the LFO besides speed and depth, right? I can’t have one trig set to TRIG and the others set to FREE like on the newer boxes? I could, of course, do it by assigning 2 LFOs to the same parameters, one FREE and one TRIG, and p-locking the depths, but that’s wasting an LFO, and it may not work if they don’t run at the same phase.

You’re correct. It’s not possible to lock that.


Yup. Thought so. Bollocks.

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@slicetwo I thought it was a Syntakt thread ! :content:
So you bought an OT…again ?

Yeah. I still feel the same way about it, but I recognize its usefulness in my rig. And the DT update, as nice as it was, just further cemented that.