No Preview of Sound?

Hello Elektron family.

I’ve had my Digitone for about a year and only noticed today that I can not get an audio preview when browsing Sounds for tracks.

Went down the rabbit hole today, upgraded all software and even did a factory reset but nothing helped.

This should a be a no brainer, and my Digitakt behaves as expected.

Any ideas where to start? Thanks in advance.

PS I’ve done a support ticket, but hope to get some quicker resolution here.

When you hit a note on the keyboard, it should preview the current sound you are browsing.

Thanks for the reply.

This is actually the problem. It should be that simple, but no preview/auditioning sounds on my device

Are you able to record a quick video just so we can see how you’re going about things - doesn’t need audio, but it would be a bonus.

I’m happy to. Thanks for asking.

First I lay down some trigs to prove there is sound, then as I browse for another sound, there is no audio preview.

Also seems Live Recording is not operable. Don’t know if it ever was.

Appreciate any thoughts.

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External Keyboards can preview the sound browser sounds using the auto channel

no way to preview insertion of a sound into a track - you can save before actually loading and the trick to make the workflow less time consuming is to hold function when pressing Yes to enter a sound to audition inserting it - this keeps the browser open, otherwise just Yes closes the browser

if you don’t like - resort to the save

Browsing sounds does not allow for them to tested out in-situ - you have to commit or test them externally or using the onboard keyboard and ensure all your midi settings are supporting your intentions

haven’t/can’t watch the video if the issue is differently nuanced btw


I see that the Presets project does exactly what all the docs say… so it is the Project I created myself that has somehow become hosed.

OT. Need to try that one. Didn’t know that’s possible and don’t remember having seen that in the manual. Thanks for sharing! :black_heart:

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Thanks I was hoping to notice something obvious but nothing jumped out at me - I would also expect it to be previewing and the live recording issue is also notable.

You seemed to be able to lay down trigs so I asume the keyboard keys themselves all work fine - can you play a track chromatically?

I notice a USB cable plugged in - my only guess and I’m not sure if it’s even a possibility - is that there is some kind of MIDI interuption impacting your live use of the keyboard. That the trigs work but the keyboard doesn’t lends to this IMO. Disconnect it, see what happens?

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That seems very weird!

Did you try to:

  • Reset the sound on the current channel (Settings -> Sounds -> Clear Track Sound)
  • Copy the pattern to another pattern slot and see if it behaves the same?
  • Copy the sound to another track and see if it behaves the same?

I only have the DNK but I think if you lay down a note in the sequencer it will always play the sound thatwas selected and you cannot use that to audition sounds. ON the DNK I can browse through the sounds and play them with the keyboard, so shouldn’t work that with the trig buttons as well (when used as keyboard)?