No quantize menu on Digitone Keys?

Hi everyone,

When I hit the pattern menu (the three dots next to each other), I expect to see Quantize as an option, as per the manual and a few tutorial videos I’ve watched.

But when I go to the pattern menu, there’s nothing here. Here’s what I mean:

I’m sure it’s just me being stupid but if anyone could help, it would be much appreciated.


You are reading the Digitone manual (and probably watching videos describing the Digitone) Check out the Digitone Keys manual instead. The QUANTIZE menu is accessed a bit differently (and a little more directly) on the Digitone Keys. Press [FUNC] + [SYN1] to access the QUANTIZE menu on the DTK.


Thank you so much! I had great faith in it being my own stupidity.

No worries. Enjoy the Digitone Keys!