No sound in Overbridge with A4

So when I’m using my mk1 A4 with overbridge I’m getting no sound in either Ableton or on the standalone app.

The machine connects and I can see all of the parameters of my current project. In both Ableton and on the app I can play the A4 using either my usb keyboard or by simply clicking on the keyboard at the bottom of the plugin. But I can only hear the sound through either the headphone output or main outs of the A4 itself, NOT my MacBook. I can alter the parameters on the screen and this will affect the parameters on the machine as expected.

Overbridge engine is on and shows as active when the machine is hooked up.
Overbridge control panel shows the incoming signal on the green bars for all four tracks.
In the standalone app I can go to midi/audio settings and the little bars flash up when I play, so it’s registering something. When I play a test tone for my audio output it plays through the headphones connected to my MacBook.

I’ve updated both overbridge and my A4 to the newest software.
I’ve checked audio routing options and ensured the A4 is set to USB overbridge mode
I’ve loaded a new project
I’ve checked sample size and made sure it’s all at 512 (as suggested in a previous topic)

I’ve plugged in my AR mkii and that just works straight away on both the standalone and Ableton. On my AR the app/VST flicks between the tracks as I hit the different pads and sound comes out. In Ableton, as I press the pads, the green bar in the midi track goes up and down to indicate incoming sound and I can hear it through my headphones. When I connect my A4 and press the pads neither of these things happen.

Based on all of the above, my machine is either broken or I’m missing something spectacularly obvious. I’m really hoping it’s the latter and one of you fine people is going to point it out to me. Fingers crossed I’m being a massive idiot.

Are the tracks enabled (grey toggles underneath each) ?

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Are your audio devices set up properly in Overbridge (A4 as input, the output you use on your computer as output)?

I’ve had this issue as well with Overbridge with the Digitakt (not often with the A4) that when the sampling rate wasn’t set to 48000 in Overbridge and in my audio device settings in Windows, that I wouldn’t get any sound either.

Yep, the tracks are definitely switched on and I’m on 48k.

I even went onto my mac’s sound settings and checked there, and just to really rub salt in the wounds I can even see the incoming signal on that window too (see screenshot). It’s clearly connected and working, but for whatever reason it’s not carrying the signal as sound. So strange.

you’ve got the main outs disabled.

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“Fingers crossed I’m being a massive idiot”

I rest my case.

Thank you my good man.