No + Sound switches Mute to Play

As in the title, apart from taking an extra button press if you happen to be in the ‘wrong’ menu. Thus, you could not reload a sound and instantaneously launch / mute a bunch of tracks, which feels like an insanely good feature for buildups and drops. And indispensible, given that Scenes and Performance are preprogrammed in nature, and keep drum pads busy, and here you can tweak whatever you feel valid in that moment.

Any justification for this? If not, I will forward this as an issue.

I think this is a side effect of mute button switching between play and mute (which is nice and would be good to work for Play button, too) but not distinguishing No in a Shift role - secondary function.

As a decent workaround, reloading Kit as opposed to Sound is not causing this artefact, although you might want to restore just a single Sound while keeping the rest as-is.

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I can’t imagine this is anything other than an oversight, maybe, it’s not an obvious thing to want to do, but also why not, indeed?. But without spending time thinking about all scenarios i’d be inclined to agree with you and just forward your observation for consideration and keep the thread updated with the response - i imagine a few other things won’t do as expected whilst in certain modes and in some cases the justification won’t be obvious so no harm in checking with them just in case this was missed

Fine. I am happy to create a little case study for Elektron Team and keep you guys updated here for idea exchange flow.

Be good to iron out such things because there is plenty of good stuff in Rytm not all of which might be retained in new devices.

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I have an update on the general idea. Happy to hear comments.

Default menu turns out to be Play, if you are in a menu and switch to another one, and select that menu again, you end up in Play.
This seems arbitrary and may happen to suit some musicians, but otherwise, if you are in Mute and you get into Scene, there is little reason to generalise that after scene you will return to Play.

As a valuable alternative, pressing and holding any other menu button might operate as momentary, letting you come back to where you were. Thus, if you mute and solo and take a quick jump to performance, press and hold Performance button, do performance tweaking and instantaneously get back to where you were, in this case in Mute.
Or press Mute and release immediately to get to this menu. Pressing Menu again would get you back to where you were, in this case in Mute menu. Push and Launchpad Pro, as well as launchpad 95 have this functionality and it really saves you precious seconds, especially in those best moments when you start operating intuitively.
Likewise while in Performance, you may want to modify filter frequency. Conflict? No, just higher level of refinement. Or this parameter may not be in Performance presets.
Here, this can be even better becasue Performance is tweaked with drumpads and filter with encoders. Thus, drumpads already pressed could retain their Performance functionality as you are already messing with channel sound probability.
Even better, while in Performance, tweak with one or several buttons as you press and hold scene. Any unpressed or released buttons might switch to Scene functionality and colour pattern… You get the idea.

This requires careful mapping but I am sure this was done for other functionality. I would be happy to help mapping all this, however, I am sure you have enough talent at Elektron Team.