No USB-Hubs?

they say, no USB-Hubs??? haha. i own 4 Elektron machines and i have a lots of other gear - so - how the hell should this work with “no hubs”???

good morning elektron.

i dont understand how my RME madiface brings 64 channels at 48000 plus a lots of MIDI through only one USB 2 - while the elektrons would like to have one usb for 12 audio-streams?
AND - i run my gear at 96000. :wink: not because of the recording quality but because of the processing quality of all the softwareinstruments and effects. there is a huge difference in the sum off all …

i would prefere overbridge as a controller for the gear but without that audio-thing. so good old midi in my eyes is still the way to go …



You can use USB hubs as long as it supports MTT (multiple transaction translation) because a lot of synths that have USB-B ports on them are really just backwards compatible USB 1.1, which slows down the rest of the ports on the entire USB hub - even though the computer insists it’s USB 2.0, but at a reduced data transfer rate. I have tried several powered USB hubs with MTT but I later learned they were all either mislabeled or misrepresented the feature. You can save yourself some trial-and-error headache by just purchasing the Elektron Overhub, which has MTT implemented correctly for both USB 2.0 and 3.0 protocols.

I have 3 Elektrons and 4 other synths maxing out all of the Overhub’s ports while able to stream all of the available audio channels over USB for the Elektrons, at 48k sample rate/24 bit, with running on very low buffer size in my DAW (32-64 i/o buffer size). Overhub works better than the native USB ports on my Mac. It makes my old computer perform much smoother than without the Overhub. I definitely plan to buy another to daisy-chain if I acquire any more synths. It’s more expensive than most USB hubs, but much more affordable than alternative solutions.


…and in the meantime, ob does not only handle audio only while it is for free…
whatever rme is working out with it’s own designed audio driver codec, end of the day it’s all just audio in one way tickets…
no vice versa traffic of all kind in REALTIME at any given moment…
think about it for a second and then face how many different audio drivers beyond rme only ob has to support out of the blue…into the blue…

and u run all in 96k?…u must have a big big computer…
that must make ur music even bigger…even larger and, of course, faster than life…
in the sum offff allll…
…good boy.

A little something something called
a Thunderbolt Dock.

haha. sorry, that you feel bad, when i say, i work with 96k. :stuck_out_tongue: - but i do that, because all the fx i use as plugin sounds way more better and transparent like they do with 48k. that is not a question of good or bad music - but a question of good or bad sound after summing. ;p
but to make you feel better - after processing the things digital - when not using analog output-gear i do summing on a neve 8816 and then i record with 48k :PPP

and yes - i have three really big computers. two fat hacks and a linux thing for testing. and tons of modular hardware. - whats wrong with that? AND - i do that only as a hobby - and have no plans to make money or it as a job … its only for me and myself.

and no worries - if OB would not be for free, i would pay for it. but, not with that AD conversion and not without the ability to send MIDICC also to it while OB controles the device. i personally would prefer OB as controller but without that mickymouse-audio-streaming :wink: i prefer recording throug analog channels.

merry christmas

i have my thunderbolt used for aditionally drive an apollo into the agregated device :wink:

and! :slight_smile: have you ever tried the speed of monitoring your studio through an RME MADI FX? :wink: with all the loopback-possibilities? have you? :stuck_out_tongue:

…ah…oh…ok…i see…me myself and i…no need for further explainations…i think i got it… …finally…forgive me…also for free…i hope…
can picture u clearly now…so to say…with all those hacks in stacks…
all over ur hobby place…quite impressing…really…for real…u defenitly know what ur doing…
merry x mas to u aaaalllllsooooo…too…

Have you tried daisy chaining TB? It’s highly effective and stable when just mixing basic USB 1.1/2.0
Otherwise, sounds like you could benefit from a two computer Dante setup :wink:

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haha - i have a 3 computer madi fx setup … :wink: plus the apollo on the main machine and a lots of expert sleepers FH-2, seaboards and other stuff … all on usb … so i have no need for audio-streaming - only for controlling the devices :slight_smile:

This would have been good to know from the beginning.

This implies you’re seeking to use the audio streaming side of Overbridge. You only want MIDI/Plug-in control? any MTT hub will do.

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I have a similar setup using Audinate and VI Ensemble on a 2nd and 3rd computer, along with Apollo 8p and 16. In addition to machine control, Overbridge is also good for applying UA effects in the DAW before it hits the analog preamps and line inputs; especially if you also use additional virtual instruments or effects. There’s no reason Overhub won’t work if you simply want to use Overbridge for automation and MIDI control. If you don’t need the audio streaming over USB feature (which I do not in most cases), continue using the Universal Audio Apollo (or whatever) as your sound card and do not select any of the Elektrons as your audio interface in your DAW. In the device’s standalone Overbridge desktop app make sure to turn off any input monitoring or sound capturing in the settings for audio routing.

Sounds to me like you really have a legitimate working need for a MTT USB hub, you have more than 2 pieces of USB MIDI devices. I have had a year of bad MIDI syncing experiences while finding a USB hub with MTT that didn’t cause problems with simple MIDI playback (even without using Overbridge). My typical problem with non-Overhub USB hubs was it caused looped MIDI playback to stop in my DAW for no reason that seemed obvious. Once I added a Minitaur to my USB chain, things went from bad to worse, because its USB protocol is USB 1.1 and degraded performance of the rest of the USB hubs I previously had. I really do recommend the Overhub USB hub if you have a lot of USB MIDI devices, even if you choose not to use Overbridge at all. I toggle my use of Overbridge off and on to find what workflow works best for me, but the MTT USB hub made all the difference in my MIDI sync dropouts. Even if you had a Thunderbolt hub, it still would benefit you to have a MTT USB hub. They actually are compatible with Elektron devices.

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