No USB stereo, only left channel doubled

I checked everything, but it seems that Model:Cycles only sends the left channel mixed to stereo to ableton, no right channel. Do I miss something essential here?

Wouldn’t you have something like WavemaxxAudio pre-installed on your computer ? If so, check if it has some “audio improvements” enabled and disable it.

I disabled waves already. Probably the device’s audio output is broken. I will send it back for repair. Thank you.

Doesn’t seem likely - take ableton out of the picture, in fact disconnect everything … test the headphones first, then the stereo outputs, then the class compliant audio and see when the issues start - likely be when you set up the input to Live !

Repair would be a last step when the issue is bottomed out, so approaching support about it would only make sense when you’ve explored basic things as suggested above, ideally by saving what you have and starting afresh in a new project

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I agree, but I tried all of these steps before posting and are familiar with those kind of things. I thought that maybe there was a certain parameter etc., but the thing did not work as expected out of the box. Thank you!