Nomadic Live Electronic

Hey everyone, big past Elektron user here, dabbled into modular for a few years before nearly ruining myself, which eventually led me to take the homeless road with an Elektron Syntakt, in my backpack for almost a year now, playing music wherever I feel welcomed and inspired, camping around cities, villages…

This recording was after a full month in Barcelona’s hills, no video feed but a new one is coming very soon, so please follow if you’re into it :sun_with_face:

Would love some feedback or some help to grow too so feel free to comment, message me for anything ! :wink:

Have a good one :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Funny you opened a thread like that, i was about to open a similar one to know if there are travelling musicians, to exchange tips and which gear they use, etc.

Are you travelling too ? I got the syntakt with a mini rig on me, but I’m starting to miss sample workflow

Libraries are a blessing aha :raised_hands:

I am but carrying way too much with me atm. I need to find a way to reduce my gear: OT, electric guitar, ND3p, Looper, pedals, Microcosm, Babyface Pro, cables, adapters… 22kg to sneak in the airplane with me, too much stress. No place for bring the DN.

Ideally i’d have a bix with everything connected but can’t trust luggages handling in airport.

wow that’s a lot of gear, Syntakt/laptop/battery is already so much I feel, would love some end-of-chain master/FX to play around but being portable and light is still n°1 priority

I’ll be back in Europe soon and will try to busk around cities, prolonging the travel, do you busk too with all this or you’re going for places/people to play ?

I’m primarily a guitar players o i 'd feel really naked without a guitar. Then i have been busking for years using a looper, then added an octaver and was using beatbox but replaced it with the ND3p. Now I’ll play in busking festivals with it but if i have to busk in non organized events, i’ll go back to the most minimal setup.

I use to join other projects playing the guitar when i travel and would like to start an electronic project with the OT/ND3p/MC and maybe DN but i’m not there yet.

Nowadays i mostly playing gigs and do some busking but less extensively than before (it’s also much less tolerated and working in this cashless/digitalized society).