Noob question Swing not working?

I cant seem to get swing working latest firmware Rytm. I just watched lopop vid and pattern playing turn swing percentage up and it works for him but when I do it no swing after changing swing percentage?

What am I missing?

Very strange I managed to get it to work once out of maybe 20 times… the swing pattern knob is showing change in percentage as i twist it and no swing change???

Do you have swing trigs on the steps you want swung?

Enter Step Record
Put down some bright yellow trigs on steps you want to swing
Turn up the Swing %
IIRC each track has independent Swing Trigs

thanks but surely there must be a way to twist Swing knob after pressing Funct G and it changes swing for every sound in the pattern equally?

see here 20min 58sec Analog RYTM MK2 // Full review, tutorial // Pros and cons for Elektron's top drum machine - YouTube

The default is that that every 2nd step has a swing trig, so yeah, it should. Does your pattern use the “off 16ths”, the weak ones between the beats and 8ths? That’s where the default swing happens.

i am wondering if it has to do with fact Octatrack is running the star stop?

really appreciate your help

Loopop’s hihat pattern has a trig every step except where the kick and snare are: roughly step 2,3,4,6,7,8,10,11… etc. So there’s a hat on every one of the default Swing Trigs, and you hear the swing.

So if your pattern does not have trigs on Steps 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16… etc, you wont hear swing.

(Assuming default 16 step, 4/4 time and default Swing Trigs).

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Thanks Octagonist. I will keep playing around with it