Nord Drum 3 & 3P


Sold mine a while ago, god save my soul.

secretly hoping for a ND4 desktop

Awesome, would be cool to get an update when you go through with it.

While Iā€™ve been cut off from the bulk of my gear, Iā€™ve gone all in on the iPad thing. If I can get MIDI into the iPad working the way I want to (remapping MIDI velocity in particular), iPad drumming apps may well cover me for the Nordā€™s sonic territory. In that case, I may not risk damaging my 3Pā€™s before I sell them. Then, if a 4 ever comes out module-only, I might go for that.

hey all

Would it be possible with the Rytm to somehow live record into the rytm sequencer from the drum 3P and then have that loop after ?

Iā€™m assuming your meaning the midi messages sent to the Rytm from the 3P?

If so, yeah I believe that should work

sorry, I mean if you can live record steps from the Nord into the Rytm ā€¦then after play the recorded sequence on the Rytm as midi back into the Nord ,

I emailed Nord about 2 weeks ago saying I heard a rumour they intended to halt the Nord Drum line, asking if their was any truth in it, or if we could expect something new in the ND line in the future. Unsurprisingly they didnā€™t reply :roll_eyes:

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Any Nord Dum 3 owners here based in Barcelona? I am moving over August to live/work there and will have my novation summit and Rytm in tow! Despite liking being able to program beats, Iā€™d be psyched to jam out with live drummer with the types of electro sounds of this device !

Clavia seem to have wasted the Nord Drum.

Itā€™s like they donā€™t actually appreciate or acknowledge a certain demographic of musicians. ie, the electronic bedroom producers. Despite the fact plenty of those musicians embrace the ND line Clavia donā€™t appear interested in listening to their feedback and requirements. If the rumours are true, why would you halt production when the NDā€™s could become so much more.

Red Means Recording absolutely killing it with a Digitakt and Nord Drum 3p


Itā€™s good to see such a fantastic and current demoā€“and a full 14 minutes at that. I used to routinely check YT for new Drum 3P content, but itā€™s been a while.

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To my great surprise, Nord have posted this demo in the ā€œNord Worldā€ section of their website! And itā€™s the very first demo using a sequencer to drive the ND3P which they have posted!

Hopefully theyā€™re finally (probably reluctantly) recognising that electronic music producers using sequencers do actually make up an important part of the customer base for the ND. Maybe, just maybe, there IS hope for a module with 6 outs!

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That was pretty cool! Gotta say, I love my ND2. The sounds out of it are great and I love how much velocity can impact on the timbre.

Itā€™s a great shame that in addition to level, velocity can only be mapped to timbre / tone bend amount (yes this is v responsive), but not to some more parameters, first and foremost noise decay and filter - not an issue if youā€™re ā€œplayingā€ it using a well specā€™ed sequencer.

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If they do Iā€™ll buy it in a heartbeat. Iā€™d even love a ND2 with its stereo out, but they donā€™t turn up used very often and when they do the prices are pretty eye-watering.

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The RMR video suddenly reminds me of something about our beloved 3P: it really benefits from modulation via wiggling, Digitakt, etc. As I recall, the Drum 2 stays just as popular because people say itā€™s easier to do MIDI modulations. Also, you saved money and purchased it as a separate sound module, leaving the pads aside if you wanted to. But thereā€™s the problem with the 3P: itā€™s more dedicated to being a live player, but if you treat it like that and take two sticks to it and just jam on a patch, the sound can go stale kind of soon. Iā€™ve been forcibly separated from both my 3Pā€™s for three years, but as I recall, despite the many easily achieved sweet spots, they donā€™t stay sweet long enough. That limited it for me because, I primarily played it with my external controller if not the sticks so that I canā€™t really do the stuff in the YT demo. That made it kind of a novelty sound and not the bread-and-butter synthesized percussion box that it can be when you treat it like a sound module.

Thatā€™s why I didnā€™t include it in my barebones configuration three years ago. Iā€™ve missed the sound, but I think once I get them back, the novelty will wear off rather quickly. In another thread, we discussed removing the rubber pads for more responsive hand drummingā€“stock, you have to whack the thing kind of hard even on the hand settingā€“so I might try doing surgery on one of mine to see if it can provide goo dynamic response to light finger tapping. Otherwise, my Pulsar-23 will fill in the electronic percussion needs because itā€™s totally engineered to be easily modulated even as you drum with it.


AFAIK, the Nord Drum 2 has two? more FM algos than the ND3, but, the midi implementation is pretty much the same no? For jamming with sticks and hands on the ND3, a midi processor to map velocity to other parameters other than the available level and timbre bend amount would go a long way :wink:

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@Skypainter I donā€™t know myself, I just seem to remember ND2 owners complaining (maybe at Nord user forum) that they felt the ND3 was not an improvement on the ND2, and a step backwards due to something about the MIDI implementation. I liked it enough to get two and put them sideā€“by-side to play them with sticks, which was a great setup. The acoustic noise from playing the pads limits drastically limits playing time in my location.

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If I remember right there are two more synth parameters on the nd2 - a noise attack stage thing and I forget the other - tone punch maybe. The nd3 adds more in the way of effects . The loss of the triggers inputs are the big difference, though the pads are the consession.

From a synthesis point of view I wouldnā€™t worry about the differences - both the 2 and 3 sound amazing and thereā€™s very little between them.

Edit: oh and the midi imolementation is the same, save the cc control of the parameters mentioned above from the two, but with control over the added reverb on the three.