Nord Drum 3 & 3P

I like playing the nordpad (I have ND2) using my hands for a quieter pad performance :raised_hands:t4: :cool:

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My 3Pā€™s not sensitive enough for me, which means too much acoustic noise and unhappy neighbors. I want to be able to play it with finger taps and piano-style finger trills for rolls, yet still get full-range dynamics. Another thread discusses how this may be possible if you remove the pads. Iā€™m going to try that and no doubt regret it, but I still have that second 3P.

Oh yeah, as I recall, some Drum 2 fanatic took a hack saw to a 3P to turn it into a 2-style compact module.

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You can use an external padcontroller - put it on the pads -
if I am right you can deactivate the 3Pā€™s pads.

I used the Launchpad Pro mk3 with the 3P - it works very well with itā€™s internal sequencer.
The pads are great.

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oh yes, I use an external controller, and it works great. The 3P has a very nice feel played this way., meaning a good-feeling velocity curve. I just want to see if it can be made into a self-contained and quieter unit by modding the pads. It would be kind of nice to sit the thing on your lap, tap away, and also have all the knobs right under your hands at the same time.

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I wonder how the sound of Logic Proā€™s new Drum Synth compares with the Nord Drumā€™s. Does anyone have both?

Logicā€™s drum synth is a good addition, but Iā€™d say my Nord Drum 2 still wins out. Especially when it comes to the melodic/tuned percussion stuff. I guess Logicā€™s user base mostly uses samples for those sounds.


Friend came over with his ND3 last night and we came across a hitch recording midi from the ND3 into the OT: recording global channel was no problem, but we couldnā€™t get the OT to receive / record individual pads from the ND3 with global off. Tried everything - switching OT direct channel to the specific midi pad; OT direct channel turned off; local on and off on the ND3. It appears the ND3 cannot transmit midi from the individual channels with global off?

What did work though was playing / recording individual channels on ND3 via OT from an external midi keyboard. So we got to where we wanted - global channel playing 4 pads / voices + 2 channels playing chromatically. We got some very pleasing results p-locking the Vectra parameter on a chromatic/individual pad for micro-tonal type duophonic melody. And a nice bass line with one of the FM algos - Ring Mod p-locked at various low levels (among other modulations) providing interesting movement.


The individual channels on the ND3P are only to control sound parameters of the individual pads (to receive CCs), but not to transmit MIDI notes from the ND3P.


Sorry, I didnā€™t see this. But I believe the answer is yes based on the latest Rytm update enabling the AR to send midi from its tracks, so you can record the midi in live and it will send it back.

The issue might arise where the midi youā€™re playing in is being looped back live which might be an issue. Theoretically, however, it should be possible

cool good to know

guess alternative could be to use the nord drum with the upcoming bastl midi looper?

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Neat. Iā€™ll have to check that out.

Thanks! Good to know it wasnā€™t user error!

Struggling with choosing between a new 3P, or a used 2 with pads, for 35% more :sad:

(Iā€™m not a drummer, and not very interested in pads)

Nice resolution, but only 12 patterns can be saved! And if I understood right, no event filtering on the channel selected - records all events coming in.

I bought a 3P. Couldnā€™t wait around for another ND2 even though my desk isnā€™t exactly flush with empty space.

Annoying thing is Iā€™ve actually owned 3 ND2s in the past. Twit!


You might find a buyer for the ND2 pads. OTOH, if you want to use in a live rig, reverb and delay send per voice on the 3P are very useful!

Any features you miss from the ND2 which are not on the ND3 - the extra FM algos or any other?

No not really.

The difference between the 1 & 2 was much more apparent.

For size/space reasons I would prefer having the 2 again. But that aside Iā€™m happy.


The only major loss from 2->3P (apart from the cute size!) seems to be the Attack control in Noise, and the clap specifically.

(Iā€™m not worried about -2 FM algos, have a Digitone)

Some suggest the ND2 wasnā€™t great for claps anyway?

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Weird question, relating to desk spaceā€¦

If I were to sit the Digitone on top of the pads some of the time, (3P sitting on this)
would it cause the pads to trigger?