Nord G2 editor and its MacOS future

My understanding is that it’s only Sysex sent in real time, so reverse engineering is probably quite ‘easy’.
I’d easily drop some money to anyone who would attempt this.
But isn’t the USB connection the main problem ?

Yeah - but I’m saying that surely someone must already have done that RE work and possibly already documented the result!?

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I don’t know why the USB connection should be a problem. My understanding is that current Nord products do not require a separate USB driver on MacOS, and on Windows, the G2 uses the same driver as current Nord products. So why wouldn’t a G2 connect to an M1 Mac in the same way as, say, a Stage 3?


I’ll have a look and see how it’s recognized with my M1.

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There is offcourse this attempt for a G2 editor. Maybe someone can compile this for m1 processors?

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FWIW although Nord keyboards require custom drivers for Windows, the driver I use for my G2 on my Windows machine is the same one I use for my Wave 2. I believe that the biggest change between G2 OS 1.40 and 1.60 was to unify the driver communication: Before that change, the G2 had its own driver.

It’s written in Delphi though. Having said that, it may be a starting point for a Swift or C++ version.

Speed is not a big issue, so if it is possible to use an interperter language it could be easier maybe (python, javascript/node or something?)

Can you run the Windows version of the app through WINE?

If the device shows up as a MIDI device then you should not have issues with USB drivers.

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From my experience it was not recognized when using Wine.
I’ll do some tests in a few days !

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The resources for the cable plugging etc. would be one of the crucial parts. The language would need to support it.

I’ve looked into this a bit for the G1. The best bet is probably here:

I only checked it out briefly and my conclusion was that it would be a huge job to first understand what this program is even doing and then reimplement it. More than I had time for, anyway.

If you follow the history of this app back in time (both in the repo and on the web in general) there’s some additional info related to the underlying protocol of the device to read about as well.

Starting with a G1 editor, might be a reasonable bet for reference purposes.

Anyone use Delphi? Anyone able to build that Delphi editor?

Just tested if this (G2 editor FMX | G2Dev) would work on my new MacBookPro 14" M1.

And it works!!!

With my G2 connected with USB. I can edit patches etc…

Propably with Rosetta, which i had installed allready. So far everything works. Just some minor glitches and accasionaly a crash.


as an alternative you could try to open it with porting kit ( ) , an adapted wineskin aimed at games but it runs a lot of other 32bit win apps

(don’t have a nord modular but i use this to run an old version of emagic sounddiver on my m1 mac)

Damn, on my Mac Studio, it won’t show the “open with Rosetta” option.
Edit : the problem is I can’t manage to install libusb.

Similarly struggling with getting libusb installation to be recognized. How did you go about installing libusb? I used brew and get this message when launching the editor: “libusb-1.0.0.dylib not found, USB functions are disabled.” Thanks!


Same, exactly.
I’m dying for reliable way to use my nmg2

I think I’m just going to invest in one of those micro PCs running Windows and remote into it on my Mac.

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I had the editor installed (and working) on my Intel MacBook and moved everything over to my new M1 machine. And allready needed Rosetta for some other apps. Never thought the editor could work. But it does when I just tried.
Never needed to install libusb or something.