
The bigger the better for recording via Tape or for sample usage - I went for a 128 GB, but anything over ~16GB is probably fine.

I use a Raspi B and it’s not been an issue running anything so far.

Link for the Norns Shield direct from Monome for $240 + postage with everything soldered and ready to go, case included - just add a Raspi B or 3B+ and a micro SD card.

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One consideration for Pi B vs B+ would be wifi.

  • Pi 3 B only works with 2.4GHz wifi
  • Pi 3 B+ works with both 2.4GHz and 5GHz
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@Philternaut @DoS

Hey! Thanks!

Yeah when I notice shield is soldered and cheaper than norns, I couldn’t resist :smiley: .
Then I guess will go to B+ , but 128Gb is too much, maybe 32 or 64 would be fine for me, I think I won’t use extremely Tape. I’m interested in FXs and sequencers, and a little bit in loopers.


32 or 64 GB will be fine - you can always save stuff to a computer very easily anyway. Tape is really useful as you can record anything you do on the Norns and then process it again or just export to wherever you want, such as a DAW.

This key difference may explain the glitching and latency issues I found when using TouchOSC scripts on my Shield with a Pi B, come to think of it (even as a wifi host and not over the network). hmm; maybe it’s time to find a cheap B+.

Wow, I have no idea of this potential.

Finally they arrived all components, and I tested some script… Overall I’ve been interested to test Orca on norns. And this is my first try:

Well, I found a little problem I don’t know why it happen. In the video, we can listen how cycles plays random higher notes, but in orca I didn’t programmed that notes, so I guess maybe I haven’t configured norns properly, or maybe it’s model:cycles missinterpreting some midi messages… I have no idea.
Anyone have similar issues around?


EDIT: I find using the monophonic operator works fine. Because the cycles is monophonic, I guess I haven’t problems to use the monophonic operator. Seems the polyphonic is little bit buggy.

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Just letting you know , norns has a discord server , so for anyone looking to learn how to code , curious in the format or to share their own apps , please join. I am also Zifor on it and learning after a long time not coding. We also have weekly calls to check on peoples problems or to share in ideas and final projects

are there any drum samplers on norns with parameter locks?

Takt, for one. It’s kind of like a Digitakt, but you’ll need a grid to work it. Beets is pretty cool, and then there’s Timber.


These are both excellent fun (not had the opportunity get to grips with Takt yet…) - and many people swear by Cheat Codes 2, but I’ve not been able to get it to work with a non-standard grid (ie 2x Launchpad Minis via midigrid) personally.

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any sequencer recommendations for Norns?

Buoys (needs a grid), Gridstep, Awake (not tried the full Kria experience yet; Awake is quite limited but fun, but shines with a grid of any sort, real or non-standard), and Arcologies (which also sequences samples with parameter locking and probability in a very interesting manner) is a mind-bender, but also needs a grid. Pixels looks intriguing and doesn’t need a grid - it’s quite unusual to say the least. Oh, and Zellen, which uses a game of life as a sequencer.

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Any clues about how to install non-Maiden scripts?



Open Finder and hit CMD/Apple-K or navigate to Go > Connect to Server .

In the top IP address bar, enter: smb://norns.local and click Connect.

You may see an “Unsecured Connection” warning, but you can safely ignore it and click Connect.

Login as a Registered User with the following credentials:

  • Name: we
  • Password: sleep

…and click Connect one last time!

Once connected, you can freely navigate through files on norns.

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Thank you! I must seem lazy but I searched on Lines and, well, did not find the answer. Linesfolk are really friendly, but I find myself pretty clueless often when it comes to using the same instruments they do. Much appreciated, the help.


stumbling around to find info on octa mki and saw this

pretty cool!
gonna take some time to read through


I found myself in pretty much the same boat when I started out, and asking for help has worked out pretty well so far, along with the odd bit of head scratching.


btw this just changed with the latest fw update

all you need to do is type “;install”
and the url for the new script (usually a github repo)

works like a charm


where do you tape that install command? would you mind posting a screenshot? thank you!

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In the bar at the bottom of Maiden here:

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ah ok… and then I paste the github link, right?

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