
First gig done with norns and grid. Live launched clips throughout (this is only the last part of the show), the lfo and envelopes in Timber do a lot of the work to make me sound a whole lot better than I deserve. There’s some tweaks done live, but mostly triggering and cueing.

No processing on this, this is straight from the Norns.


nice work! norns is a fantastic little box

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Thank you. Yeah, it’s really starting to grow on me.

My first go at the cheat_codes script. Just a minute of noodling, but it’s a lot going on here. Live recording from my Prophet 12, using the cheat codes to warp the stuff and then the pattern recorded to slice it up. Threw in a few old DFAM samples and drums for good measure.

It became pleasently strange, I’d say. For lack of a less generous way to describe it :slight_smile:

Anyone tried ORAC on the Norns?

Having trouble installing patches. I can get them to ‘Install’ by placing ZIP files in ~/home/we/sidekick/patches, but nothing shows up when I try to actually choose a patch from the list.

Completely agree


I’m going all in and getting an Arc now.

Which means something else has to go, for funding. Not sure what, tho. Cause there’s not a whole lot left to sell :slight_smile:


Supercollider is well versed in Granular synthesis, I’m wondering if the Norns is a good tool to explore granular synthesis, if it’s powerful enough for that? I see the GR-1 to be a very sweet hardware box for granular synthesis, but the Norns would offer that flexibility of being programmed.


I’m trying to find a Fates PCB, I did some searches on Google but seems that the stores are all out of stock. Anyone knows a currently available source? I would like to try this platform. Thank you!

Fates pcbs are unavailable, but you can use a Norns shield pcb very happily… get your own from github and send to a fab or eg pusherman sells them. I just had five pcbs made for $2… (plus postage, but I had a lot of other pcbs made at the same time…)

Nice, I have a fates too that I ordered before it went out of production. Which parts and instructions have you used for your grid build?

Hi Forest! Nice to see you here too :slight_smile:
Doh, didn’t see that Phil had it for sale too, I missed it, funny that I was going to make an order for some other modular pcb from him :man_facepalming:
Thanks for the tips.
(Still grateful for the Marbles and Stages FW guides! Master!)

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I am just selling a finished and running Fates in the Marketplace section, if anyone might be interested :stuck_out_tongue:

I used a Teensy 3.6 so as to not have to add an extra usb port to bypass the fuse on the teensy.
I’m also looking at adding a FTDI ft232r to make it emulate a monome grid fully, so that it works with the avr modules and so that it doesnt need code changes to work with norns

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Hi! :slight_smile: Been getting back into Elektron stuff lately as I try to actually make music again, rather than fart around with eurorack :slight_smile: (just joking - eurorack is so much fun, but I never seem to finish anything!)

Just found that pusherman is out of stock, but for anyone else interested in a DIY build of Norns, seems that they will be back for order here:

Where are you based?

“Coron-Italy” :sweat_smile:

I’ve got a couple of spare norns shield pcbs - happy to post one - send me a pm on fb

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Just found too the OSHPark link:
Around 52$ for 3 pcbs.
But only shipping option is the Standard non tracked first class USPS, 5-21 days. A bet.

Yep, I can understand, I use the combo Elektron/Modular, and actually back to make some tracks just due to quarantine…
But you know, the need to try and explore new tools, especially DIY… and the Norns seems to fit perfectly this kind of need!