
jlcpcb was $2 for five… the shipping was negligible as I also ordered a load of my own pcbs etc…
I think you really need a grid for norns - I hardly used mine until I made a grid… (almost finished building an arc as well :slight_smile: )

I’m pretty close to jus going into another room with my laptop and ableton and not touching hw again until I finish something! (Obviously still doing diy though :slight_smile: )

Already checked your previous link to Github :grin:, thank you!

I can perfectly understand! Put the hakko/weller into the vault! :laughing:

ERSA, please! (Analog 60)

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He said he isn’t making anymore unfortunately.

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Look forward to your adventure!

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In case anyone’s interested, CDM now has my review up. Maybe it’ll help in the decision making, if you’re in that place:


Nice article!!! Glad to hear you are enjoying it.
Price is obviously a barrier for many with the Grid / norns combo. As a long time admirer of monome and lines, I think it’s probably only a matter of time before many here (incl. me) delve into that ecosystem.


same, super intrigued by the rich ecosystem of user scripts. seems like they hit a sweet spot this time with ease of programming compared to previous attempts like the Aleph. strongly considering building a DIY norns and grids, although Arc has always been tempting as well


Nice recs! I’ve had Choke on my shelf forever, but have never gotten around to it.

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Yeah, I’ve read Palahniuk since Fight Club came out. You never know with that guy, though his work is always conceptually interesting, at least.

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Yeah, it took some faith from my end to get into it, since I had to sell most of my other stuff to afford it. No regrets so far, though. But yep, the price does signal commitment, which is why I think a proper review was important. As versatile and flexible as this is, like everything else, it’s not for everyone and I was surprised at how much it could do, and likewise some of the things it couldn’t do (yet, at least - monome as well as the community seem to be on an upgrade roll lately, there’s more stuff coming and it’s not minor updates).

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Yes, and it does seem like the platform has matured substantially the last year. I talked to a few artists who jumped onto the platform as it launched, and most of them weren’t all that impressed. The idea around it seemed stronger than the execution. But then, some of the early scripts just kept evolving, new stuff emerged and just a bunch of people learning Lua from another angle, entered the stage and did cool stuff.

I think it’s safe to say now, the platform is certainly filled with solid and rich applications. Whether or not those are right for what one wants to do, is another thing. For example, I’m very much into synced recording with trigs or midi-clocked loops. Norns supports it, but there’s ot script executing on it yet. Time stretching, quantized clip launching, stuff like that, there are scripts which do that. And cheat codes have lately touched on synced recording.

So it’s possible. But it seems traditional beat making and straigh on four by four looping, isn’t a big thing for many norns and grid users.

Yet :slight_smile:

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yeah to be honest that’s one of the main draws for me, a lot of my music making recently has been more non linear, experimental and ambient than what DAWs and even Elektron sequencers encourage. a tool full of small and weird little scripts made by like minded people towards similar ends is really intriguing.


Yes, it excels at that. It’s very easy to just go really out there. Scripts don’t talk to each other, though, so while it’s tempting to think like “I’ll use Reels for playback and Gray for fx and Animator for sequencing”, that can’t be done, nor do I ever think it will. But the internal tape module goes a long way to record something and bring it into something else for further adventures into wonderland. I’d say, as long as you’re comfortable with not using this primarily for traditional beats and bass to go with it (can be done, but it’s not what it does best), you got only options of awesome at your hand.

You can install Ocra on your device without much of a problem and then chain scripts to indeed have a sequencer sequence a synth that sends audio to fx

Edit: to be fair: scripts need to be touched to be able to run in the ocra environment because input and output is mapped differently for the scripts. This can be either done by the community or technobear, the guy behind ocra, is doing it a lot. Just to make sure: not everything is running inside of ocra yet.

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“Chain” scripts, meaning merging them into one script and saving it as its own ?

You can do that too without using ocra. Ocra is some kind of grid/mesh that has slots for scripts. But as mentioned in my edit: the io of the scripts has to be different than for default Norns, so scripts need to be changed before running in the ocra environment.

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Sorry, it is ORAC. :wink:


Ha! I thought you were mispelling “orca”

There is a orca script too. That a coding/music app, that’s really great. This o-4character-apps are confusing ;9

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