Not liquid

BTW. MacOS is imho regarding USB device handling better, but has other problems, like Apple simply changing necessary OS features, and things start to get ugly for third party developer like Elektron.
However there is always something, but there is always also a solution around that one hasn’t found out yet.

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I hope macOS settles for the next few revisions. It always feels like there are dramatic audio and security changes which break developers apps, causing a tonne of work. I think Elektron are always actively working on the next release. It’s a large suite of apps and tools for quite a range of hardware devices, definitely seems a lot of work to get it out the door. And by then Apple will break everything again (I hope not)

I had this too, root cause was me using my old system backups (7 years old generations grown) on the brandnew computer and installing OS updates on top. Did finally a fresh system reinstall and only installed everything user content via file copy and installed other apps fresh. Since 2017 I have a smooth running iMac. With each new Overbridge version I completely deinstall it and install it fresh again. No instability so far.

hey, i think your advice is great! I have just switched the USB slots from USB 3 to USB 2 and I also followed the energy-saving feature to turn them off - maybe it will all bring something, thanks!

now i have just tested the sample again, so that if i want to manage the samples via overbridge instead of on the device itself, it crashes so that i have to restart the digitakt. As soon as I select a folder, or it can also be the third or fourth, it will definitely crash at some point.
Do you have an idea why this could be? otherwise i hopefully don’t really have to change the system.

Nope forget it. Apple is in the middle of a Transition to cancel Intel and do Switch to their M1 and M1X CPUs. Be ready for more major OS changes.

Did you tried this for further analysis?

if things really go on like this, then I will probably have to do without overbridge, which would be a shame because of the individual channels that can be processed so nicely with eqs, compressors etc …: /

not yet, then I have to test it.

I would uninstall overbridge, use USBdeview to remove all the records of the DT being connected. restart. install overbridge. restart. plug the DT in.

might help, might not. Did in the past for me!

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Advantage of the new CPU series, iPad Apps will be able to run natively.

did not work, as soon as I want to use a sample folder via overbridge to manage the samples, it crashes.

but maybe now after all the settings at least the devices run more stable and don’t have to be restarted all the time.

How exactly do you do it? I use Transfer.

in the first screenshot (a) you can see the overbridge plugin with the samples mentioned

in the second an empty field which means that digitakt has to be restarted because it crashed after I clicked into any sample folder to move the sample into the slot.

I also feed the digitakt with samples via transfer, it works fine.

Hmmm, why are you not using “Transfer” to drop samples via USB/Midi connection? WIth the new Transfer version you can even delete samples on the Digitakt.

I haven’t even thought about that, that this also works during production - I’ll try that, good tip, thanks;)

You need to switch the Digitakt into USB/Midi mode, and than back into Overbridge mode. That should work witthout rebooting your Digitakt.
If this works, than it should be a workaround, until Elektron was able to sort out Overbridge sample transfer problems.
The Assign Samples page is great for quickly filling a Kit. However…your Overbridge version seems to differ from mine…on which version are you?

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Hardly any problems using overbridge and win10. Running 2 elektron devices. There is one bug though: as soon as i change tempo while daw is running both elektron’s freeze. No problem if i stop playing, change tempo and start again.

ah darn…

I don’t really use that wokflow, so no better ideas I’m afraid…