Not liquid


do you have the problem that overbridge never runs smoothly. more precisely, when using several electronic devices, at least one of them simply crashes and has to be restarted?

i wrote to support and at some point there was simply no answer.

either the bpm simply falls to a different value or it simply no longer reacts … in any case, it really always happens as soon as overbridge comes into play. I am using windows 10.

I once heard that this can never work if several USB devices are connected to the computer.

whether this electron overhub is perhaps a solution?

I have done everything imaginable, such as reinstalling the overbridge or resetting the devices, all of which in vain.

only when you have fought at least two or three times with the equipment does it work smoothly for a few hours - but only with luck …

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Any videos of the behavior?

hey, unfortunately not, but I can try to open the whole thing, it happens irregularly, so it can take 30 minutes, but also an hour, until something crashes on it again.

that would be such a dream if it would run smoothly …

Agreed. I think overbridge is about to be overhauled because of Apple, so perhaps there will be some optimizing. But, if you are regularly encountering errors, it would be great to try and document it so that others can try and replicate the problem and maybe find a workaround. :slight_smile:

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I’ve only recently tried overbridge again, because it was such a nightmare the first time. I was delighted at first, it worked great for a day or two. Now every time I try to use overbridge / analog heat in Logic, it either has this weird warbling and sweeping pitch, or just a shit ton of noise, or it doesn’t recognise it properly… as the op says, having to restart sessions etc. several times, it kills the process and also so much tiiime! I’m a professional, not a hobbyist, so I don’t have time on paid projects to constantly faff with stuff like this. I really hope they can get it to work consistently.

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I hear you, but…

Do you have any videos to share?

It’s bug where the sync gets lost it only seems to happen with digitakt and digitone for me,
it was introduced in an update last year, Ive been in contact with Elektron about it and am trying to help give them crash logs etc because it does not happen on all systems…
hopefully it’s something that can be fixed, but I think they are working hard on getting Mac going at moment as a priority

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I agree. for me it is mostly the digitakt and the digitone, the analog four never fails. but the heat as an audio interface has problems from time to time …


Hey people,

it’s just howling.

I don’t know how often I’ve written to the suport in the meantime or asked stupid questions here.

yes I know, it means what settings do I have, etc., but to be honest!? Which settings should you have if you want to use Overbridge as normal? It’s not just the bad mistake that the Digitakt or Digitone keeps crashing and you have to restart again and again, no, even if I want to manage the samples from the digitakt via overbridge, the thing just crashes as soon as you click in a sample folder . and restart again. really every time. so I ask myself what is that supposed to mean? years have passed now. why do you sell something that just doesn’t go well. the idea and the creativity of these people is great. but the product via the computer is just frustrating

Nobody here can tell me that everything is going so fancy for him …


Look, computer exist in a lot of different configurations and it’s not easy to develop software for such a vast amount of setups. No one can know how you setup the system and if and how you followed the steps for the installation. From my experience, a lot of computer problems are root caused by ppl not following instructions or messed with the system settings themselves. I know that instructions and setting up a system is often frustrating too, but nonetheless always double check if you have done everything on your side. Pebkeg is an old Internet term and not an insult.
Simply don’t take it personal when your setup doesn’t work as expected. Then there is something not straight setup. Seek help from others and try to sort this out.

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I’ve found this quite useful in wrestling overbridge into working with Windows;

don’t think Windows is all that good at cleaning up after USB connections and it feels like not having old Digitakt connections lying about on other usb ports etc helps sometimes. Worth a shot anyway.


I understand that and I am aware that this is not an easy thing. but in my case I am sure that I have installed everything correctly. and personally i think these crashes are exaggerated and just had to get rid of them because even the suport couldn’t help with the hope that someone would write back something constructive because they might have solved the problem.

equally have just had one version refuse to work for ages of reinstalling and restarting and then the next update work flawlessly, so it is a bit frustrating on occasion.

i have an absolute shedload of stuff plugged in usb though, so am kinda used to it all being a pain.

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Honest opinion? Dump Windows 10 if you want a stable system. Its registry system is a total mess.
Or at least setup a computer for music making only, and strip everything else off it.

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Its something that could be a root cause, definately. Especially when you mix USB2.0 devices with USB3.0 devices at a USB3.0 Bus port, the whole USB sub system will reduce bandwidth and speed to the slowest device…

yes, I have to rethink that, to try it. It would be a shame if it is due to Windows 10.

it felt more like it is something in how windows/overbridge interacts with the registry entries for usb connections - whether it’s just having DT plugged into the same port once you’ve installed overbridge or something more complex I never worked out, but deleting them all and then installing overbridge did seem to help a bit (this was with an older version though.).

another thought: it can get a bit unstable if your audio buffer is too big I seem to remember, so check that.

Make sure that Windows is not sending your USB serial bus controller to sleep. Another root cause. Kill background apps.
And of course, no Autostart. Check also power management in general, make sure USB doesn’t get deactivated by the power manager. Make sure the system is not power scaling, rather delivers all the time a steady cpu performance.

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I had a lot of problems on different iMac / Macbooks before and after Catalina, with pretty much the same problems you describe (crashed devices, no connection to the devices, e.g. it happened with the digitone more often than lets say on the heat or a rytm). In the end i dumped Overbridge completely, I’m happy now: no freezes, no crashes, no nothing. Yes, downside no Control via the editor.