Not quite sold on Digitone yet

…what u expierence is the big generation twist…

a4 was the last of the old swedish mindset…
the last when elektron was for those who know exclusively…
but it’s a good thing. that with takt came a new level of achieveabilty…
and so was growing in numbers…

and yes, i got rid of my takt and my tone…but only for changing my basic workflow, not for their quality in sound or usability…that remains still in overall comparison no brainers without any doubts…

i feel u when i hear u, but let’s face it…the tone is the most sexy and most versatile fm hardware out there…and if u catched it even for a reasonable price, it might go the way many elektron gear goes…after a first shockcrush u start to really appriciate it only a little later on…in a way u did’nt thought of yet…the ot factor remains… ;-)…also here…
once u really made it fit into ur workflow…and that might take a moment or two…u gonna love it…not that much as the a4…but that’s the same with a first ruu love sensation and a last truu love sensation…it is the same but the feel of a first can never be the feel of a last…

u got two best beasts now…an analog one…and a digital one…and u can cover all sonic ground with these two forever…sold?

Thanks for trying to sell me.

I think my Hydrasynth scratches the itch for me that the DN scratches for other people. It also has some “FM” type capabilities that I never really embraced. But, it is my go-to for “sci-fi” and wacky sounds.

I think the fact that I fell so hard for the A4 just gave me Elektron GAS and I wanted it all, but probably just don’t need it all.