Note length problem

Hey there everybody,

I got a question, which seems very basic, but makes me questioning a lot of things…

Simply: A big part of my work with the OT is the sequencing of external gear. However, I`m confused about the fact, that notes could only have a length of 127 or INF. It seems like a small problem, but it fucks up the WHOLE point of playing live with instruments. I just cant play a note, which ist longer than 22 steps. The moment, i plays back its just a continuous tone, because it got set to INF. Also the behaviour of the following notes is completely different, since they follow the previous one. Im really frustrated, because nearly no sequence I live-record on the OT sounds like I recorded it in the beginning.

Am I missing something? Is there any menu option i can change, so i can play music in a normal manner… ? I looked through all the topics online, but cant find something that helps. And i refuse to believe, that Elektron would havent thought of something so basic.

If I understand tight, you have two problems:

  • you would like to enter long notes on the grid
  • live record isn’t recording what you hoped

About the first one: yes, it’s a big jump from 127-INF. one way you could manage this is to use INF, and then place a trig of LEN=1 and VEL=0 at the step following when you want the note to stop. Also, look into Pattern and Track Scales for more ideas

Can you explain the second one in more detail?

it’s a step sequencer - there are limitations, it’s neither linear nor ‘properly’ polyphonic - you can sequence multiple notes into chords, but those must be played together and they will then all end together, perhaps immediately upon whenever the next step is played

this whole sequencing paradigm affects all Elektron sequencers and many step sequencers … even timing and resolution of input across a bar will be ‘corrected’ to fit into the step sequencer paradigm … it’s more likely than less that what you play (if modestly intricate) will sound different once sequenced … Elektron go further than most to make this gap smaller … it has its advantages, but it won’t present a facsimile of your playing