Nothing works after adjusting the screen

Hi, i tried to adjust the screen due to much pixels but know nothing works. First after replug it no voltage then the screen looks strange and knobs are not working etc. it seems to be a damage but what could it be ? I did exactly how elektron told me

Seems you’ve put the upper circuit board on the metal case, but I don’t see anything to insulate it. If you didn’t, you probably caused a short circuit.

oh no, it is repairable?

in the worst case is the circuit board completely broken?

you might have damaged one/some of the components on the board if a short circuit happened…
have you tried to switch on the AR in early startup mode?

If you’re lucky maybe you’ve just blown a fuse, but I’d send it to an Elektron service tech (or any other electronics repair shop I’d trust) just to make sure it wouldn’t get worse.
Could be an expensive repair, but if damage is limited to the top board should be worth it.

thx. Yes i wrote with the customerservice today. First i wanted to order a new iu pcb but in the end i decided to send it in. I seems to be the better way! This was a hardway learning!

Testmode works sometimes if the screen wanted but shows no errors. Could that mean the damage is just on the upper board?

Testmode works sometimes if the screen wanted but shows no errors. Could that mean the damage is just on the upper board?