Novation circuit monostation

Are you using it to drive headphones or are you sending the headphone out into a mixer or interface with the volume cranked? I remember when the Peak came out people were using the headphone out as their main out and running it into their interface with the volume cranked, then complaining about the noise floor. If this is what you’re doing, you shouldn’t be.

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Nope just using it with headphones on the sofa. The issue was also reported on a review when it was released so not just me, just wanted to know if others have noticed it. No noise through the main output, just the headphone jack to headphones.

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Does it break the rules if I take this chance to mention that I have one for sale/trade right now in the FS/FT area?

Aux CV out from CMS works perfectly well into an AH control in. Mod seq gonna get a lot more use soon :smile:


I have played a little with it & read the manual, but… does somebody have some tutorial links? I think I am a bit lost with the Modulation Sequencer Track (well, and the Modulation itself) :sweat_smile:

One thing I have found is it is pretty easy to destroy a sound playing with the knobs. You have a sound, move some knob & you don’t like the result, then restore that knob to initial position, but… previous sound is not back… what’s that sorcery?! :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

there is a setting for how the knobs work where it either picks up from where the knob is when you adjust it, or it doesn’t start adjusting until you get it to it’s original position. Am guessing it is something relates to that. Most knobs have a light setting that show preset knob location by lighting up (orange maybe).

Edit: It’s called Pot Pickup

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Ok I see this is Off by default… that could explain it. I’ll try setting it to On & see if I understand it better
Thanks DYMS

Well… Setting it to ON did make a difference :+1:t3:
Things are more clear now

Any tips with this? :hugs:

There are a bunch of tutorials on YT. Novation have a playlist of mini tutorials that are quite fun:

Ricky Tinez has a beginner walkthrough and some tutorials:

I’ve only watched a couple of these from Danny Nugent:



I’ve just got an 0-coast and was looking into controlling it from the mono station. Why does the manual say the CV note and gate outputs are TRS?

NOTE OUT – two 3.5 mm TRS jack sockets carrying Control Voltage (CV) and GATE signals derived from Osc 1’s sequence for driving compatible external equipment. The CV output is scaled at 1 V per octave and the GATE output 5 V amplitude.

I’m new to using CV, but TRS doesn’t make sense, right? The Analog Four mkI uses TRS for the CV outputs but that combines note and gate into a single socket. Surely with separate note and gate you just need TS jacks (like on the Analog Four mkII).

Could be a typo, i don t know. Most likely TS will work fine.

Fwiw i m using the aux cv output with a TRS mini-jack to 2x TS jack cable of which one jack goes into my AH. Didn t have a TS mini-jack > jack cable lying around.

Mmmm… How to copy a session and paste into another?
The Shift + Clear combo doesn’t seem to apply with this :thinking:

I think you have to do it via a save action. When hitting save it then lets you click the slot pad where you want to have it. You can duplicate that way.

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Looking at the back of the monostation I’d say they’ve just used trs jacks across the board rather than a mix of ts and trs sockets. Prob a manufacturing thing. Normal ts plugs will work fine in a trs Socket as long as the ring isn’t connected to anything in the socket.

Yeah :ok_hand:

I seem only be able to modulate the distortion with the 3 different type button but not the input drive which you adjust by turning aux-in while pressing shift, which sounds totaly and absolutley different :wink::grin:

Oh i meant you could have filter modulation, amplitude etc!

Another noob question :roll_eyes:
Manual says ‘the scale you choose to play in will be saved when you save the pattern’, but I have only achieved to store different scales in different sessions, not patterns

Is possible to have different scales for different patterns in one session? :thinking:

almost finished reverse engineering Mono Station SysEx patch format.
(everything except for mod matrix, which is work in progress).