Novation Peak

You dont have a midi feedback loop of some sorts? I just remember alot of people having issues with the peak, and most of them did have a midi loop. Making certain knobs wonky.

Ya itā€™s not the pedal setup. If I press 1, 2 lights and latches. I found if I pull up on 2 it will turn off. I showed the vid to Novation, they said it was a problem. I think there is an issue with the contacts. There might be some debris caught in there. I found also, depending on where I press on 1, 2 may or may not light up.
But stays lit once pressed.

Ya the MIDI stuff was my unfamiliarity with Peak. So it looks like itā€™s just a problem with the animate buttons. I just became overly critical because that was something I found almost right away.

So, that asideā€¦the thing sounds super good. Love it. And Novation told me that this issue is covered. So if it persists (as I feel if itā€™s junk in the contacts it might wear out and right itself) they will replace it. I just canā€™t afford to pay shipping and customs again right now.

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So that was it. MIDI feedback. I thought thatā€™s what it looked like because of the way it behaved. On the Elektrons, the MPC that I have you can have DIN and USB plugged in. Peak doesnā€™t like that.

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It didnt help with the animate buttons when you removed the midi loop?

You can use both at the same time. Ive done that. But you have to set up the usb midi on your computer differently to avoid a midi loop. I just used usb midi out of the peak to record the arp. But used the DIN midi from my computer to play the arp. But i only wanted to record the arp notes for ā€œstorageā€, and didnt send that back to the peak. I could just move the midi notes to a different track later.

The button issue is definitely something wrong with the rubber of the buttons, possibly deformed, or something caught between the contacts. It had nothing to do with feedback. It was happening before I even connected USB or MIDI.

The feedbackā€¦Iā€™m sure that has to do with my lack of knowledge of the Peak. I almost certainly had a setting not set correctly.

Like I saidā€¦I went into ā€œthis thing is broken modeā€ when it had an issue with the animate buttons. It throws you off when, IMMEDIATELY out of the box, something doesnā€™t werk.

Now that I think about it, I had a MIDI track armed to record going to DIN, while I had the USB plugged in. It was probably resending to itself from USB to DIN. Anywaysā€¦Iā€™m not concerned anymore. It was my dumb getting in the way again.
(I think the manual isnā€™t helping in that respect. Seems short on description in some areas. Not the best one Iā€™ve read). No matter tho.

Yikes. I thought out customs and excise was bad in the Uk. But that sounds extortionate.

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You know you can control the animate buttons through midi cc. Since it sounds like your animate issues are physical button issues, this would be a workaround.

For the record, Iā€™ve only made one patch that used the animate buttons. They are certainly a cool idea, but I guess I just donā€™t use them that much myself.

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Dude! You have to start using them, you are really missing out if you donā€™t. You can assign all kinds of things and get very nice interactions, especially for a fast switch between different flavors of a patch. I program the Animate buttons for every single patch Iā€™ve made, basically gives you four versions of a patch inside every patch; all animate buttons off, 1 on, 2 on, or both on. Youā€™re sleeping on the animate potential my dude, get into the habit of assigning at least one or two mods to each button even if itā€™s just simple things like a nice amount of distortion + filtering, or a transposition, or the shape of the waveforms, etc, assign at least two changes to that button so when youā€™re playing it you can have super quick access to a different flavor thatā€™s still in the territory. I like to program mellowish sounds that have an animate version thatā€™s more of a lead sound, so I can play counterpoint parts along with my song but the BOOM instantly into a solo version of that patch that really takes the forefront!

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Look at this Ricky Tinez Video. Thereā€™s a part (around 3:45) were he uses the Animate Button to open the Gate of Osc1Shape. Cool trick.

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I hear ya. Iā€™m a fan of things werking as they should out the box tho.

To stave off possible commentsā€¦this applies to a broken feature(s) NOT to features that were never part of the products build to begin with :wink:

Is it possible to reset the current patch somehow (akin to reload track on Elektron boxes)?

Not that I know of but I have accidentally switched patches after making a killer patch on the Peak and felt like screaming as I desperately wished for this featureā€¦ hahaā€¦ :sob:

Yeah, thatā€™s a whole other beast though. Had the same problem, which I guess is best alleviated by saving often. You can of course quickly switch to another patch and then back again to achieve what Iā€™m asking for, but that feels a bit quirky and not quite as direct as I would like it.

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Yeah if youā€™ve been saving regularly then the switching to the next patch and back is the way I do it. Itā€™s so fast that Iā€™m not sure there needs to be a dedicated button combo but you could always request that Novation implement something. Maybe there already is a ā€œproperā€ method and I just donā€™t know about it.

Same. But it didnā€™t take long to STAY AWAY from that knob. I grabbed it a couple times thinking it was the master volumeā€¦patch gone.
Hasnā€™t happened since. Saving more frequently than usual now :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve got a peak since last monday, and really enjoying it since. Iā€™m quite impressed with the versatility of the engine and like to apply what Iā€™ve learnt on a dx7.

First thing: I highly recomend setting ā€œosc key syncā€ to ā€œonā€ for FM patches.

Iā€™ve made this little table to help me translate operator ratios to ā€œpeak speakā€:

Ratio Octaves Semitones
0,25 -2 0
0,5 -1 0
1 0 0
1,5 0 7
2 1 0
3 1 7
4 2 0
6 2 7
8 3 0
12 3 7
16 4 0

Found an even better one on KVRaudio, by user MitchK1989:

Ratio Oct Semi Cent
1 0 0 0.00
2 1 0 0.00
3 1 7 1.96
4 2 0 0.00
5 2 3 86.31
6 2 7 1.96
7 2 9 68.83
8 3 0 0.00
9 3 2 3.91
10 3 3 86.31
11 3 5 51.32
12 3 7 1.96
13 3 8 40.53
14 3 9 68.83
15 3 10 88.27
16 4 0 0.00
17 4 1 4.96
18 4 2 3.91
19 4 2 97.51
20 4 3 86.31
21 4 4 70.78
22 4 5 51.32
23 4 6 28.27
24 4 7 1.96
25 4 7 72.63
26 4 8 40.53
27 4 9 5.87
28 4 9 68.83
29 4 10 29.58
30 4 10 88.27
31 4 11 45.04
32 5 0 0.00

Peak mod depth in mod matrix in octaves:

depth octaves
30 +1
36 +2
42 +3
48 +4

FirstWeekPeak.syx (65.9 KB)

Here a .syx bank with a few patches I made in my first week with Peak. Quite a few are DX7-style FM-patches, and most respond to velocity. What a brilliant synth it is!

  • 000-Init Patch

  • 001-Rhodes

  • 002-OrganPatch

  • 003-Trance Saw

  • 004-BrassClassic

  • 005-StrngClassic

  • 006-FMit Rhodes

  • 007-Trans

  • 008-SynthStrings

  • 009-Tubular

  • 010-Glassy FM

  • 011-SynthOrch

  • 012-Atmos

  • 013-VibraPhoneFM

  • 014-SpaceGong

  • 015-PianoPhoneFM

  • 016-Arcade8Bit

  • 017-SpaceBrass


I just noticed that I havent yet listened to the presets on this synth. always just pressed init and went from thereā€¦
I think that is a good thing


First thing I did after getting Peak was deleting all presetsā€¦ :slight_smile:


@phaelam When a product is broken and needs to be swapped, you are excempted from tax. Since you already paid it.

Shipping forms should have an option saying itā€™s warranty replacement/ repair.

Contact your customs office. As it doesnā€™t make any sense having to pay again. You just need to use the right form/labeling.

Same for Novation, when they sent the unit back to you.

Where did you buy it from? International retailers should know these procedures and deal with it every day.