Novation Peak

Ya page 9 save

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Thanks everyone!

I played around yesterday and made a wavetable - I also didnā€™t realise that they donā€™t save to the synth for use on all patchesā€¦ although itā€™s still there in the patch I created using it, so I guess they save as patch specific wavetables! Which Iā€™m hoping means itā€™ll be possible to use more than 10 user wavetables this way / share other peoples patches without having to change whatā€™s in your slots?

This was the result of my first foray into user wavetablesā€¦! Noisy. But fun.


Interesting. If that is true, I can see how that might be considered a feature in some cases, but I think I might like it better if they were global. For me it will feel like an inconvenience when Iā€™m already in the DAW and I want to try a wavetable in the patch Iā€™m working on. I will have to exit the daw and open components to do this because usb cant be shared as far as I know.

The wavetables are global on my peak. Iā€™ll give it a double-check later.

Update: can definitely load any of the user wavetables into any patch.

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Wellā€¦ I am feeling more than a little sheepish right now. I kind of wrote off the Peak when it first came out as I didnā€™t really have a need for an analogue poly-hybrid and so promptly ignored it. The shared envelope sliders also turned me off as I got pretty frustrated with that aspect of the BassStation II when I had it despite really enjoying the sound.

This news piqued my interest and after spending some more time with the original SonicState reviews and then the videos on other firmware upgrades and the functionality they bring, I am feeling like a bit of a fool. A sheepish one at that!

I keep promising myself just one musical instrument investment when we get out the otherside of this coronavirus stuff and Iā€™m starting to think that the Peak might be the way to go. Other stuff that had me interested seems to lack the depth but (crucially!!!) the approachability of thisā€¦

Hopefully Iā€™ll be back in this thread in a few months to gush over my first experiences!!


To piggyback off your admissionā€¦

While I didnā€™t write it off exactly, I did ignore it. I have always said thereā€™s no other poly than an OB6. I was wrong. I too have been watching more videos and yes it seems like an absolutely outstanding unit.


^i was the same way when i first heard about it as those last two posts, but after hearing stuff from it once it got out in some reviewers hands i started to change my mind. been wanting/needing a hands-on poly for the last couple years and after one failed attempt with another, this seems to be much better suited to what iā€™m wanting.

iā€™m not sure that the user wavetables will end up being a huge selling point, but more an extra flavor possibleā€¦but i have barely touched making any or the Noisia ones on offer. the basic synth itself is really absolute class and feels very, very deep with just the first week iā€™ve had it now. planning on starting a super-lush pad factory :laughing:


Recently I loaded (via components) a free bank by Legowelt. Some really inspiring patches there. Something Iā€™m trying to figure out is how he makes these ā€œdroneā€ like patches.

Iā€™m assuming these patches are made this way intentionally - but it could also be a bug - or a clever exploit of a bug I guess. There are several in that bank that exhibit this behavior, but ā€œSesqua Valleyā€ is a good example. At first I thought this was simply a hung note from my midi controller, but I can switch to another patch and it stops, and it continues droning if I switch back. I can init the patch and it stops, then ā€œcompareā€ and it starts again. And I tried different controllers. If I send ā€œall notes offā€ from the daw, the drone stops.

Iā€™ve been exploring every parameter looking for looping envelopes and holds etc, but nothing I have found explains this behavior. Iā€™d like to know so I can use it in my own patches - which I can do if I begin with one of his, but havenā€™t figured out how to get there if I start with init.

Any ideas?

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Use the mod matrix to apply a value offset to the VCA or oscillator level. You can set the target without setting a modulation source, and then the mod amount level becomes a fixed offset (positive or negative).

Look through the mod matrix slots and you should find the cause of it.


If you modulate ā€œVCA levelā€ in the mod matrix you can make the VCA open without itā€™s envelope being active.

If you donā€™t want this behaviour however (e.g. to apply a tremolo to played notes only, but dont want it to linger after the note has died out) you can add VCA envelope as a secondary source to the modulation slot. This makes the modulation only active as long as the vca envelope is open. (effectively both mod sources in a slot are multiplied)


@finalform and @TBN Thank you both. There is still so much for me to learn!

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Just a thought, for droning what if you put vca level to amp Env in the mod matrix. Then you have easy control at your fingertips.

You mean controlling the vca level with the amp env? Thatā€™s the default routing: this makes your vca open according to the level of the amp envelope which doesnā€™t give you a drone since the amp-envelope is finite.

If you modulate vca level with a fixed offset (no sources in mod slot, only direct) or with an LFO you can make the VCA open independant from the envelope

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Oh yeah I just tried it. Lol
The difference being that the envelope is triggered and is opened for a time. Instead of manually increasing the vca level.
(You know this, Iā€™m just thinking out loud)

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Now try patching an LFO to the VCA level: You;ll see that after the vca envelope has died out the sound keeps pulsing, caused by the lfo.

If you then add VCA envelope as second modulation source in the same slot, the sound only oulses as long as the envelope is active :slight_smile:

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Yeah I was just going LFO crazy.

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So as you all suspected, Legowelt is using ā€œKeyboardā€ to drive VcaLevel with a negative depth. The depth value kind of splits the keyboard, so above a certain note, depending on the depth value, there is no drone, and below that note each key pressed contributes to the drone, up to the number of available voices. Lower notes are louder. Its interesting the the droning notes are not displayed as active voices. To kill off droning notes, play more notes higher that the threshold. This takes voices away from the droning ones.


Good evening.

Iā€™m weighing up the idea of getting a Peak to go alongside the other joyful bits of gear that I have.

The last non monophonic synth I had was a Virus Ti. Prior to that I had and Elektron A4 Mk2. Both fell to the wayside and Iā€™ve been happy with monosynths since.

I have a Boog Model D, M32, DFAM, Octatrack and RYTM MK2 and the fabulous Novation Circuit Monostation. The monostation has become the goto synth for me. I find the filter, overdrive and resonance are just geared towards finding sweetspots - more than the others by a long way.

With this discovery in mind, Iā€™m thinking the Peal may well be the Poly equivalent - sweet spots galore? Is this the case - would my experience of the Circuit Mono Station translate to the Peak?

Cheers for any insight,