Novation Peak

Very nice!

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Anyone ever send a request to add Panning of the Oscillators to the Peak?

I did. They told me it wasn’t possible because the audio path needs to be mono as it hits the filter


I didn’t know that. Thanks for the reply.

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Here’s the actual response

Yes, from previous research I believe the signal is summed to mono before it goes through the filter so I don’t think this would be possible I’m afraid.

:slight_smile: :upside_down_face:


Now I want to hear this all of a sudden… I suppose it’s 3 passes in Ableton to record the oscs separately and then pan, if I’m really curious.

Thinking about it, what synths similar to the Peak do let you pan the oscillators?

Watching videos of the Hydrasynth is what got me desiring that feature

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The Hydrasynth. You can Pan the 3 Oscillators, the Noise and the Ring separately. It changes everything. It creates a lot of movements in one Patch.

These are the last 2 Patches I did on the Hydrasynth :

(The Patches pass through the CXM 1978 Reverb)


Bloody hell, that first one sounds great… so where/how does it hit the filter? The panning is pre-filter?

Got me thinking I could probably something similar on my Roland JD-XA…

Another video showcasing my favourite kind of ambient sounds on the peak


These sound incredible. May have to swap a certain digital analog synth for the hydra soon

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Yes. It’s in the Mixer stage just before the Filters.

Thank you. The HS is really something when it comes to modulations. I must say, though, that I prefer the Peak’s FX over the HS.

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Not shure if this has been posted before:

Novation // The Hack Series - Patch Change (using the DigiTakt)

Pretty fast :wink:



thought i’d share a little trick i like to do for better (faster, more snappy exponential) envelopes.

if you’re sequencing the Peak via midi from an Analog Four, you can send A4 “cv out” to Peak “cv mod in”, copy the midi notes from whichever track you’re sequencing the Peak with, and paste them to the “CV” Track (or i guess you could just enable “Cv Send Midi” on the Cv Track) and then set your envelopes however you want on that cv track’s “Env” page, assign the envelope to “CVA Value” (if you’re using “Cv Out A”); and on the “Osc1” page, set Value Lin “Val” to 10-14

Then on the Peak, go to the Mod Matrix, set Source to “CV +/-” & Destination to “Filt Freq”, “VcaLevel”, or both; set depth somewhere between +30 - +63, & turn Vca Gain and/or Filter Frequency knobs to around 0

you can do this if you aren’t midi sequencing with the A4 too, obviously. I just find that it’s easier to copy/paste the midi notes to the cv track instead of setting cv trigs independently

^ muting and unmuting the cv envelopes here to demonstrate


You can also modulate attack,decay and release of an envelope with itself to get more exponential or log behavior of the envelopes. A negative value on decay or release in the mod matrix will make it more exponential if i remember correctly. Its been a little while since i did this. So it is possible to have log attack, and exp decay for example.


i saw someone mention this on facebook yesterday but i couldnt get them to clarify. you mean that just leaving the source as “Direct” and setting a negative decay, it will make it exponential? i wonder if that works with attack as well. thats the one i usually try to get a curve on. maybe by using a negative mod envelope on the amp attack?

You use the amp (mod) envelope as the source and the amp (mod) attack/decay/release as the destination :slight_smile:


Works on attack as well. A positive modulation makes it logarithmic and negative makes it exponential if I remember correctly.

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I’ve been getting more into the piano recently, and was keen to play the Peak in a similar expressive way. However when playing the Peak, using the Minilogue to send midi notes, I’m struck by how unnatural the velocity settings sound. If at max the sound is very quiet when i press a key lightly (as I’d expect), but i have to really slam the key to make it sound loud. At lower settings, even a light press seems to be at around 70% of full volume, if that makes sense. :thinking:

What do you use to play the Peak? would a different controller keyboard help, or is this all down to those velocity settings on the unit? (I tried controlling the Peak with the electric piano, but had a similar situation.

Second, just to confirm something - the screensaver never kicks in as long as the unit is receiving midi clock correct? mine (plugged into Digitakt) never goes to the screensaver if the Digitakt is on.

Thanks :green_heart: