Number of notifications

hopefully this is not a double: i’ve just noticed that the notification tab keeps showing the same number of new posts even thought i’ve read them all.
i’ve tried to reload page, click on the forum link, on other links…nothing, the number is still there but there’re no new posts (it does actually increase when a real new post has been posted though)

edit: logged out, logged back in…nothing changed, still there. tried to clear the browser’s cache, still there…

edit: restarted browser and the same number is still there…weird :confused:

something that confused me but i figured it out and might be the same thing:

even if you’ve read up to the last post in a thread, if there are posts on previous pages that you haven’t been to it still counts those posts as unread. so if since the last time i checked a thread there have been three new pages of posts but i only look at the last one, there are still two pages of posts i haven’t seen according to elektronauts.

mmm…something is not right. usually, when you click on the notifications tab, regardless of whether you read the new posts or not, and then go back to the homepage, there’re no notifications…
what’s weird is that, although there have been posts in some of the topics, these don’t show up in the list of notifications :expressionless:
it seems like either my browser or the server side is stuck somewhere…

that was it…i had to click ‘click for more’ several times to realize there still were unread posts … user distraction :stuck_out_tongue: