OB 2 beta compatible with OB 1.15?

Hi Forum.

A quick search in Forum didn‘t give answers …
I have old projects with OB 1.15 running, … will OB beta be compatible to those?
Since Rytm I now does Seq. Midi … I‘m in hunger of upgrading old os 1.30 to newest.
But … OB 1.15 will not work anymore.

Has anyone some experience with that?

best for u

I‘m on Mac n Mojave btw…

This is true, if you go for the later device firmware, you will need to use the latest compatible OB version (a beta), also linked today

yeah thats a fact and I know…

the question behind that is:
if I do the update to OB beta, … will my projects load up & sync the settings I made with OB 1.15 to the Rytm MKI?

I always said that I won‘t use beta, but … I need Midi in Rytm so badly since day one.

OB 2 is in beta for decades now … I don‘t get the point with that.
And I don‘t trust.
It‘s been a pain in the a… to get OB 1.15 running the way it is doing now for me.

Under a year. Public Beta originally dropped in February.

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