OB + Abelton - listening back to recording issue

hey guys

Just getting ableton going with OB today and my A4/AR. I got everything dialed and just recorded in few minutes of audio. However in arrangement view the audio recordings are greyed out and I am struggling to figure out how to just listen to the recorded audio and not have pressing play active OB.
Any tips? Thanks

Probably monitor is sent to IN. Try AUTO.

OK thanks that sorted out the faded out issue on arrangment but how do I know I am not listening to both AR/A4 plugins and also the recorded audio? It doesn’t sound doubled up in any case …

Ah OK so highlighting the VST intrument and clicking device activator button off for both just allows you to listen back to the recorded audio.

It looks like I can keep the devices on and once I am not over recorded audio they will revert to looping the patterns in the A4/AR ?