OB conflicting with soundcard drivers

Just installed OB on a new Windows PC (i7 7700k). Only OB device (for now) is a Rytm I just acquired.

I use Cubase 9 and Live 9.7

soundcard is a MOTU 2408 mkIII on PCIe with latest drivers.

OB works great with both DAWs. Gotta say, it’s extremely slick and fast. The Rytm is a fantastic device as well from having spent a few hours with it. (I have an original MD as my only other Elektron product so far to I’m not starting from scratch, but there’s a lot to learn obviously).

BUT if I launch either DAW with an OB connected device, the DAW will not see the 424 card or any MOTU devices.

If I disconnect my Rytm, the MOTU cards work fine. and I can then turn on the Rytm and see the VST, but no audio inputs display.

Where should I look to troubleshoot? I assume that this is not normal, but maybe I’m missing something.

I think the answer to my issue might be ASIO4all. I’m going to test some workflows, but after installing this driver, I can see both my soundcard and the rytm inside the DAWs and select each of them.