OB & Cpu

I’m in computer transition land, and this has me wondering what the CPU usage is like with Overbridge. My assumption is that it is considerably light, but… all bets are off with bus-ing audio like that.

Any real world experience?
Whats it like on older machines?

12% in Ableton, on a VERY fast machine(2.6 i7 quad) running Yosemite. Funnily enough thats a very stable figure, regardless of the number of channels used or usage in general.

Yep. Running AR and AF plugins concurrently in Live with no other plugins gives me 10-11%.
Doesn’t seem to matter how many midi channels I set up sending midi to the boxes, or audio channels to receive tracks.
That’s a 2.7GHz i7 8GB ram early 2011 macbook pro.

Annoyingly though, the fan seems to run the whole time whilst it’s on.

Yeah, fan’s doing overtime here as well, mbp is heating up like crazy.

i5 k version, 8 ram … windows 10 … ar and a4 … msi motherboard … nothing evil to report … goes up to 25 % on occasion with a 20 ableton fx in the mix and return tracks and compressors and what have you …

ob fantastic software imho

on the new macbook retina, ableton 9.2 running 4 each of ANALOG, IMPULSE and OVERBRIDGE (12 instrument plugins + an unknown number of effect plugins)… and i ended up w/ a cpu usage between 20-25%. my buffer was at 128samples.

as a side note, the macbook doesn’t like going lower than 64samples, it seems to shred the cpu at that point. not really an issue.


i’m really excited about this.

ableton is my sequencer of choice. overbridge will allow me to continue working with ableton, but continue moving in comfort with the elektron boxes.



now to learn overbridge better.

Can I ask people what the current state of affairs are with overbridge in terms of CPU nowadays?

Will using devices over over bridge reduce CPU compared to VST’s like Arturia? Namely A4 MK1 which I think is meant to work ok…

Using a 2015 iMac 4ghz i7 Quad, my Ableton Live 10 CPU meter is stable at 3% with A4 MK1 running multi-track. OS 1.40

Audio interface / buffer always play a roll there. So FYI, this is at 128 samples, 48khz, with a MOTU Ultralite MK4. Overbridge Control Panel buffer safety margin reduced to 40.

For comparison vs VSTs… the init patch on Repro-5, while playing a single note, peaks at 14% CPU. (HQ off, multi-core off since single note)


nice one, that makes me re-think about purchasing a new MacBook pro.

I have a 2019 16" MBP and it more or less runs the same as that 2015 iMac, until I get up to like 8+ tracks in a Live project, with super heavy U-he, Reaktor usage. At that point the MBP starts to leave the iMac behind. Both are great machines.

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Still running a mid-2012 MacBook pro (16gb RAM + SSD) so I don’t think it does badly for its age, with Duet2…have to have it set at 44.1 / 24 bit and 512 samples but can get around 10 -12 tracks running Slate plugins and Arturia type VST’s before it starts to max out and I have to freeze tracks which is annoying but recently got an A4 again with aim to have a non-pc setup…

That coincided with a period of stability with Ableton so started to entertain the new MBPs… but if I can get away with not upgrading…I’m quite happy to not splash 3k.

Will test when I’m home at the weekend…

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