OB/MOTU ultralite Latency

Hi, let me explain my set up.

Using MD, OCT, A4. MD is running all outputs through Motu Ultralie and A4 is running audio over usb but it doesn’t take too long for these to go out of time with each other after I start them all at the same time with the Octatrack.

Everything is being routed into Ableton.

does anyone know why this is happening and any solutions would be helpful.

Thanks a million:)

Have you tried to synchronize the sequencers of the instruments at all?

Sorry what do you mean? When I wasn’t using OB and just running the stereo outs into ableton all machines syn no problem.

Are you using Ableton Live as a sequencer or MIDI clock source?

Are you using any of your Elektron instruments as sequencers or MIDI clock sources?

the Octatrack is sending the midi clock and this usually works. its just with using OB there seems to be this problem

Ok think I found the solution: turned off Delay Compensation and in the A4 plugin, under Machine Sequencer Sync, i CHOSE OFF!

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Definitely lose the delay compensation. Another thing to look out for is that your buffer/latency is set the same in Overbridge as it is in Ableton if you ever use it that way. Otherwise one will slow down the other. I think the Motu dac’s sound much richer though than going through Overbridge, could be kidding myself though ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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