Hello fellow Elektronauts,
Ive run several tests and realised that whenever the Overbridge plugin is loaded into a project in Ableton Live 10, the midi sent to my Elektron devices by a midi track/external instrument is recorded into the sequencer with a timing offset, an which will vary depending on different settings such as the sync mode on the OB VST/AU, the buffer size of the project, the delay compensation setting in Live, and the CPU load. But if the OB VST/AU is not loaded, the machines will record the MIDI sent to them perfectly, independent of any cpu load or delay compensation setting.
The offset is around -1/48 beats and +7/384 depending on the settings, which is very noticeable and makes it impossible to blend live record mode from a controller such as Push and grid record mode.
I have addressed this to Elektron Techincal support but was hoping someone could share his experience with this setup and if they are having the same issue, or any ideas on how to fix it (other than delaying the midi track as it would add a lot of latency to the project and I need to perform live).
Thanks for your time