OB Only USB or Analog Inputs RME Interface

Hej Dudes!
Since Overbridge Beta will be better and better in my last setup I’ve tried to avoid using my analog Inputs of RME Fireface and only connect my Elektron Boxes via USB for recording in Ableton DAW. Works great, but…
Honestly I’ve spend so much money for Elektron Gear und also my RME FF in the past to get the best sound quality, and now I’ve only use USB (2.0? )of my very old and late 2011 Mac to record my music in DAW…? Yes it’s work, but I’ll guess that’s not the best idea I had because to my understanding recording via analog Inputs of my Interface would cause much better sound quality, or AM I wrong?

…u can use top notch converters…to get top notch results…
u can also avoid converting at all…so any usb conection can do pretty fine if ur basic signal u want to catch is digital in first place…which means no “loss” at all…

48k is all good…if ur into recording violins or any fragile analog sources, converters at higher rates and proper micings make a huuuge difference…
within a digital domain, especially within digital synthesis, 48k is all it needs…and as best as it can get…

even if u task around with the a4 or the heat, where we talk analog bliss in first place as sources, running down the usb pipe is all good…no worries…

ur rme can do better elsewhere, but not in this case…
so, don’t bother…

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Thanks 4 reply my friend!
So in other words there’s no need for a big exclusive / expensive interface when ur only using OB 2.0 with our lovely Elektron Boxes?
I’m using an old iMac 2011 with old USB, so would it better to upgrade it for better performance with USB 3.0? Although I use USB device of Elektron I often got problems with it. Sometimes don’t recognize my gear and I have to use regular USB port of my Mac …

Anyway. I’ve forgot to tell U that I even have lots of other synths and drum machines which of course don’t can be enter to OB world of Elektron. And also Octatrack is not compatible…
So for that reason I’ll assume that getting more analog inputs would be perfect…

Yep, beyond having some nice D/A for your speakers.

Were you saying you have a problem with the Overhub? Not recognizing shouldn’t be an issue with USB2, You should be able to figure out bandwidth requirements based on how many audio channels can be streamed at once on a particular port.

Even with good converters I can’t think of any good reason to actively need to run the analog outs of Elektron kit into your interface ins if OB is functioning correctly. Beyond external hardware processing and FX, naturally.

USB 2.0 is fast enough for music.

Also, don’t forget that fancy mic preamps won’t do anything if you hook up line-level gear. I believe that the pres are bypassed in this case.

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Hej Guys, wow that helps a lot! Some new aspects never thought about!


How exactly I am able to figure out how many audio channels can be streamed at once?
Until now I’ve just plugged my gear into some free USB port of the Overhub and sometimes it works but mostly not! Think that’s the point u’ve mentioned?


Ok now I’m ashamed!!! … never use those mic preamps for connecting my analog gear to it!!! Just only mY mics…
But U mean that gear which will need a good a high level input won’t work correctly? Just thought about plugin in mY Moog Sub 37 on it…

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