OB stand-alone on Digitakt. No master volume on DT

I think this is a small bug. Anyone else see this? Just me?

Using the Overbridge stand-alone with the Digitakt, the master volume on the Digitakt box is disabled. The Master volume knob has no effect. (Digitakt Monitor gain on Overbridge is fine.)

The Digitone OB stand-alone works fine. The Master volume knob on the box does have an effect.

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Same here on Digitone. Not a big issue for me (I’m not a big fan of overbridge) but curious ti know of that’s a bug or not.

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That’s strange. I have no master volume on the Takt, but the Tone works fine.

Maybe it’s a setting somewhere. I’ll have to look.

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oh!Well, It sound that is a feature and not a big. I’ll investigate too :slight_smile:

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I think I found it.

If I use the ASIO driver, it works as expected. If I use the Windows Audio driver, there is no master volume.

So, in the upper left hand corner of the OB stand-alone app, click on Options. On Driver Type select ASIO driver.

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