OB standalone AK bug

Using AK with OB standalone on W10 the sequencer on AK will stop (actually pause) at random intervals, no other software is running, AK has sync and transport receive turned off. No other OB devices are connected.

OB and AK both are running latest versions.

Can anyone confirm? To recreate just connect AK to OB standalone, open the AK editor, press play on AK, after a short time it will go into pause mode, press play and it will play again, until the next time it happens.

Pause is showing on AK screen just like if you pressed play while it was running, at first I thought it might be a failing play button, but disconnected OB and it worked as normal.

If someone else confirms I will send in a bug report, I searched to see if this had been reported before but came up nada, if there is a topic then feel free to merge or point to it, thanks.

I just ran the AK via its OB standalone, macOS. Left it running for 15 mins, no pauses here.

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Cheers @garf

Can any w10 users confirm?

It’s a known issue. I’ve contacted Elektron last week and that’s what they replied :

We have been aware of the described problems for a while now, but it has unfortunately been unusually difficult to find the culprit. I can assure you that we have been working very hard to fix the issue and we have finally managed to do that. The bugfix versions are currently in closed beta and look very good. The issue was firmware-related and not Overbridge-related, but only affects the Overbridge stability. A public release should be just around the corner. The downside of regularly releasing new features and improvements is that bugs like this can be introduced.


Thanks @Tchu :+1:

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