OB trouble=faulty usb cable?

Haven’t been using OB much due to loud pops/sounds. In my case always while resizing the plug-in window and in some other instances to. Tonight I were about to play around with with my midi-keyboard using the Elektron usb-cable. I encounterd some strange problems, my daw (logic) recognized the midi ports but wouldn’t receive any midi notes or ctrl messages.

I thought i it was very strange since the keyboard worked last time i used it. I assumed it was som kind of problem with the drivers and reinstalled them etc, without any luck. After a while I tested to use another usb-cable and the keyboard worked flawless.

Ergo, fired up my A4 with the non-Elektron usb-cable and OB for a quick test. although I didn’t have time for rigorous testing, i wouldn’t get any pops or the usual misshappenings while using OB. I´ve always had those pops as soon as I resized the plug-in window in all versions of OB before that.

Could it be that faulty Elektron usb-cables are causing some of the OB problems? Could maybe explain why users seem to have slightly different problems with strange noise in OB.

Anyone noticed anything simliar?

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Pretty much the same happened to me. I have an Octatrack and the USB connection was very unreliable when I used the Elektron USB cable. After lots of messing around I tried another USB cable just out of curiosity. To my surprise that completely fixed the problem and the Elektron cable went straight to the trash. It sure looks flashy but the quality seems to be cheap.

Well. I got the pops back in OB. But it seem to a bit more stable for me in OB with the new USB cable so my Elektron USB cable ended up in the trash as well.