Observations from 1 month with the Make Noise Shared System

exactly! glad you got it working! have fun! :partying_face:

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Oh wow congrats and good review. I love Make Noise stuff and started with a 0-coast. Wanted the Shared System next but covid hot last year and none were available for sale at the time so I went with a Doepfer A100 Basic System which I enjoyed and added on to. I added a Make Noise 0-Ctrl touch sequencer and Mimeophon which are fun cool modules. I’m saving up for a Shared System and hopefully next year they have supply shortage resolved.

Appreciate you resurrecting this thread! Sounds like you’ve got a pretty awesome system in the works and hope you’re able to find more of the stuff you want despite the chip shortage — I got my system on Craigslist, I see some float up on Reverb from time to time, but yeah it’s tough out there for new gear.

I continue to play the hell out of my rig; I’ve created many variations of it at this point by swapping different modules in and out — though at the moment I have it back in its original configuration (plus Ears, which I still really like as an easy option for sync’ing with other gear). I’ve used it in combination with various other instruments (to greater or lesser degrees of success), and used it in several jam settings with friends, making lots of different kinds of music.

I keep learning and trying new things and around every corner is a new world to explore. And although I sometimes prefer to pick up my acoustic guitar and keep things simple, I still really enjoy the process of sitting in front of the shared system and making it up as I go, it’s always fun and I always end up somewhere unexpected.

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sure no problem and the Make Noise SS is on my wishlist for a portable modular rig. Right now I have expanded to a Doepfer monster case/base 14 that is half full and another 14u case that is near full. I spent too much on modular but have a lot of fun beat making modules now to rival my two Elektron boxes. Mutable Instruments, Intellijel and Make Noise are three of my favorite Eurorack module companies.

It arrived finally after a long wait to find one in stock! Here is my first patch demo.

Still need to learn a lot but great fun and sounds.


Where did you find one?

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Detroit Modular had them in stock but they sold out quickly! I buy a lot of modular gear from them and kept watching online. Never knew how popular Make Noise gear was. Love it and made a drum bass beatbox last night just by using Erbeverb on the system. Incredible instrument. But I’m going to save up for non modular gear now. I have two large cases full of Eurorack now besides the Shared System. Maybe get an OP-1, Digitone and Access Virus or Prophet 6 next.

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Having fun and learning to make a drum synth out of it as well

I do admit no presets and have to explore and get creative with the Shared System as it does not feature any drum modules by default but creative patching with DPO and Erbeverb gets nice kick/bass, snare, high hats and clap sounds and Wogglebug for a squelchy acid bass.


Please record the line outs next time :slightly_smiling_face:

Sounds mental but I’d love to hear a decent signal


I’ve been dabbling with modular for a few months. It wasn’t until last weekend when my behringer utility modules came in when I gave it an honest go.

I hit that magic moment where Eurorack became magic.

I had my first eaenest go at using my Morphagene(the very first module I purchased) this morning. What a magical module.

This is the exact experience I want to experience from music right now. Its so meditative. Its d
so comforting to just patch and enjoy.

I’m probably going to use this weekend to rig my modular to my monitors and just let it play while I clean up my apartment, work on job stuff, take a shower, play video games, eat a sandwich, wear a hat, wash dishes, etc, etc

(Would love to have a SS tho. Very happy for you)


It is a great rack of modules for sure. A friend of mine has one and I’ve spent a good amount of time messing with it and loved it. I have 9U of non-make noise modules, a mixture of Mutable instruments, Intellijel and some other stuff. A few months ago I had the cash to buy a Shared system but they were out of stock everywhere and wouldn’t have them for like 4 or 5 months so me being impulsive and it being around the time of my bday I just ended up buying 4 other synths that I had on my list for a while, one of them being the Waldorf Iridium…So I can’t exactly say that I regret it because I love all four new synths but now it’s around the time that they would have been restocked so I find myself watching shared system videos and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t feeling a little jealous.

Hi Craig yes I can do that and have some field recordings from the Shared System to my 1010 Bluebox just need to upload the files and post later. Really enjoying that and my DFAM.


you don’t the LFO or oscillator master you! I know kinda zen thought process but stay with me. Over time, patching Shared System and my other modular, I run into tons of happy accidents and then try to record to DAW or mixer SD card to capture those priceless moments for use later on. I found a cool Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon vibe with one happy patch accident on my Make Noise Shared System and glorious to record it for use in the future:

Great thread that I’ve come back to a couple of times now. How are you getting on with it a year in? Thanks!

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Seconded! @your_lamp, how’s it going?

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Appreciate you guys asking about it! The short answer is: It’s going extremely well. I jumped into the modular world with very little knowledge, and I got extremely lucky to fall in love with it and feel at home in this kind of environment.

Here’s what my case looks like nowadays. I’ve done a lot of swapping things in and out, but I’m really happy with this configuration. I could write an essay about every decision along the way, but suffice to say I’ve landed on a nice balance of versatility, ease of use, and the kinds of sounds I like.

My learning experience over the past year has essentially been a series of epiphanies, moments where an idea finally clicks and that “Oh! I get it now!” multiplies with all of the ones that came before it. That’s the cool thing about modular — it’s all interconnected, so when you learn something in one area, it has implications for everything else in your case. That’s why it’s so rewarding to keep digging deeper, and it’s actually a natural GAS deterrent since you keep figuring out new ways to use the stuff you already have.

I find this format to be extremely inviting and inspiring to get ideas going. You’ve got a bunch of open patch points in front of you and a fistful of cables, how could you feel stuck? I’ve chatted with @plragde about the strange forward momentum that kicks in when you’re patching — you follow a series of “what if I did this, and then what if I did this, and then…” and before you know it you’re hearing something you never would have thought of at the beginning. That’s a big part of the fun of it, following one idea after another and wandering into the unknown.

I patch my system pretty much every day, and usually record something when I do, so I’ve amassed dozens upon dozens of Ableton files with random recordings in them. Sometimes I think about revisiting these, but it’s tough to stop the inertia of making more new stuff. That’s where the real joy is, so I’m more interested in harnessing that energy as a songwriting tool — I focus on getting better at performing songs in the moment and trying to get my live recordings closer to finished products.

So that’s where I’m at now: patching just about every day, always learning something new, drinking from the firehose of inspiration but still figuring out how to translate that into sharable music. I stand by my original 10/10 rating.


Awesome! Thanks for the detailed reply. I have similar feelings just messing around with a couple of 0-Coasts (and soon there will be a Strega joining in too), so I can’t imagine the joy of having a Shared System at my disposal. The price is beyond me currently but maybe one day. Incidentally, I emailed Make Noise to ask about if a replacement was coming for the recently retired System Cartesian and they were kind enough to say they might have something by the end of the year (component dependent in these dark days, of course) and suggested a couple of modules (Rene and Tempi) to expand my 0-Coast setup in the meantime. Fantastic company with excellent YouTube content. I must admit I love Walker!


Hey man, you call it messing around but I know you go crazy on those dueling 0-Coasts, I’ve heard what you’re cooking up over there! It’s interesting to compare them to the Shared System because you have most of the building blocks in the 0-Coast — random voltage, the maths section, function generator, wavefolding, FM, low pass gate, etc. etc. That’s all the important stuff.

Walker is truly the best, he’s so good at making complicated ideas sound cool and understandable.

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Thanks for your kind words. Part of me likes the limitations of the smaller semi-modulars and trying to push them as far as possible but another part of me wants the total freedom of a Shared System or whatever version of it exists in 5 years or so. Anyway, thanks again for sharing your thoughts on it and feel free to post some of those random Ableton recordings so we can hear some examples :slight_smile:

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Deal, I’ll try to pull some recordings together. If nothing else, maybe I can release it as a sample pack. “Modular Meanderings vol. 1”

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