Octa and ableton as midi host

Hi, i am back on the track. After selling octa mk1 a couple of month bought now a mk2. There was something missing for me.

Yesterday started to setup everything, got a headache now, cause lots didn’t work.

Got a midi keyboard and an iPad with irig midi into focusrite. Midi host is ableton. keyboard worked. Connecting iPad is a bit of a pain.
Will have another try tonight and try to connect the irig directly to the octa.

What didn’t work: No iPad midi connection and after setting up the midi keyboard one audio track on the octa didn’t work anymore (no sounds, sample seemed to be adjusted)
Also strange: the record light for audio is blinking all the time even there is no audio source connected.
Well, maybe tonight try to make a new project and do everything again.

Do you have experience with ableton as midi host?

Thanks so far…