Octa MK1+MPC2000xl+roland Boutique work flow

I am trying to troubleshoot a work flow issue I have with my current set up.

I am using the Octatrack as the brain and am sending midi out/sync via quadra thru > mpc 2000xl, roland SE_02 and JU_06A.

I was hoping to use the keyboard on the JU_06A to sequence both roland modules into the Octatrack. I have the midi output of the JU_06A patched into the midi input of the Ocatatrack. Whenever I attempt to record midi via the JU_06A’s keyboard into the Octatrack it creates a slury of midi data that turns into a gibberish when played back. When sequencing midi via standard trig patterns there are no issues but I would like to be able to use the traditional midi keyboard to record and sequence both Roland modules from the Octatrack.

I am wondering if the midi sync data coming out of the Octatrack in creating a loop when passing through the Roland modules upon recording? Or the Roland’s midi output is sending other signals in the background on top of the note data? I am not sure. Any assistance in regards to settings that I may be over looking would be greatly appreciated. My goal is create a dawless environment with the Ocatrack as the hub.

Thank you in advance

Welcome to the forum!

It is not clear what the source of the problem is, although you could experiment with the OT and the JU-06A by temporarily:

  • having the OT NOT send MIDI clock, or
  • disconnecting the MIDI connection into the JU-06A.

but the JU-06A’s MIDI implementation is so poor that I don’t think there are any settings that will allow you to fix your setup.

You may find that you need to replace the K-25M with another MIDI keyboard.

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Thank you for your reply Peter.

Changing midi controllers did fix the problem.

I do find it strange that the boutique and k-25m would have such poor midi implementation. I tried to change master clock to the mpc and still experienced the midi loop/feedback as I did using the Octatrack. [ mpc=midi/clocksync > via quadra thru> octatrack,SE-02, JU_06A. midi coming from the JU_06A via K-25m > MPC midi in ]

I was really hoping to utilize the compact form factor of the K-25m but my trusty keystep gladly took the reins and I was able to crank out a few ideas last night.



I think I’m hitting the same problem with a Roland boutique jx08. I can send midi to it. I can send midi from a generic control keyboard into octatrack. When I try to use jx08 k25m to send midi to octatrack it doesn’t work. I have no idea why and I’ve tried every setting.