OctaEdit - Octatrack Software Editor and Librarian [ OSX / Windows ]

One and Done.

How long is it going to take to sort out those 25 projects manually? Lets say an hour each…? That fair?

How long is it going to take to sort out those 25 projects in OctaEdit? Probably an hour in total.

So, US$99 / 25 Projects is $4 per Project / Hour. Thats nearly half the US minimum wage of US$7.25.

You wouldn’t work for 25 hours for $99 would you? I know I wouldn’t.

So you’ve just justified immediate ROI on a purchase of OctaEdit within the first hour.

The first hour… now think about what other benefits you get over the course of the next hour, week, month, year, ice age.

Now you, or someone else might be time rich, and cash poor, so the equation might differ, and you have plenty of spare time to sit there and diligently write notes, manaully copy stuff, manually ensure all settings are correct, perform multiple A/B tests etc, and thats cool.

For someone else the equation is totally different, we are all in different stages / positions / scenarios of life.

As I’ve said in this thread before, all I can do is offer a product for sale at a price, and it is up to each individual to decide for themselves how the cost / benefit equation works out.

I get what you’re saying. Though by this rationale anything useful/time saving could be made justifiable at almost any cost, given enough time for the rewards ratio to amass. I was more comparing to costs for equivalent hardware editors/librarians. It’s cool though, I know you’re just one dude, not a big company, all good, I’ve said about 10 times I’ll buy i when I can :wink: I knew I’d catch heat on here for complaining about the price :wink:
Re the consolidation of 25 projects thing… It’s a pretty big job. Stuff is scattered everywhere. Patterns/lfos/tracks/scenes… I have it mapped in my head but It’s all stuff I need to bring together in 9 or 10 new projects(or probably banks) and then rebuild/tweak. So it’s def not a quick thing, even for experienced users. Since I first heard about octa edit I’d been kinda careless while I was Learning OT and just figured all those early little sketches and effects etc could be combined when 8edit was released. In theory I could get round most of it without 8edit by either internal resampling or record stems to daw. But there’s a bunch of scene, midi and lfo stuff that I want to move around too, so with further experimentation and eventual live shows in mind, it makes sense to keep it all inside OT for as long as possible, so 8edit is gonna be a must at some point…

Edit -

Let’s leave it there, I don’t want this 8edit thread to be full of negativity on my part or discussion about my bad project management! Everyone with money should go buy it! Great job rusty :slight_smile:

One and Done.

How long is it going to take to sort out those 25 projects manually? Lets say an hour each…? That fair?

How long is it going to take to sort out those 25 projects in OctaEdit? Probably an hour in total.

So, US$99 / 25 Projects is $4 per Project / Hour. Thats nearly half the US minimum wage of US$7.25.

You wouldn’t work for 25 hours for $99 would you? I know I wouldn’t.

So you’ve just justified immediate ROI on a purchase of OctaEdit within the first hour.

The first hour… now think about what other benefits you get over the course of the next hour, week, month, year, ice age.

Now you, or someone else might be time rich, and cash poor, so the equation might differ, and you have plenty of spare time to sit there and diligently write notes, manaully copy stuff, manually ensure all settings are correct, perform multiple A/B tests etc, and thats cool.

For someone else the equation is totally different, we are all in different stages / positions / scenarios of life.

As I’ve said in this thread before, all I can do is offer a product for sale at a price, and it is up to each individual to decide for themselves how the cost / benefit equation works out.

An hour to sort out a project? More like a few minutes. And I’m not time-rich by any means…I just know how to navigate quickly and effortlessly on my OT.

I admire your work but most cats who own (and actually know how to use their OT) will not need this software.

Aesthetically the editor is severely dull looking. I just gotta be honest with you man; It isn’t worth 99.00. I’m not bitching because I had no intention to get it from day 1, but I was interested to see the final result.

If you wanna play with the big boys, you gotta play fair dude.

Give it a nice facelift and make it look modern. If you think graphics don’t matter, think again.

Good luck! :+1:

fuck this.
i have so much more I’d like to elegantly say, but just…
fuck you.
what a dumb, shitty, patronizing, unnecessary, unhelpful piece of garbage thing to say.
jeebus some fuggn people
annnnnd im out.

and yes i realize the irony of my unconstructive post

Hello Octaedit users…

thinking on buy it,but 99 usd its a bit pricey, I would if it is ready and full functional…

any feedback users??

i’ll buy very soon. thank you very much, rusty. very good job!

I’ve not yet had a chance to fully use all the new functionality but was lucky enough to be in the early group and I was able to sort out existing and create many new projects from scratch. there were a few minor glitches but rusty fixed them really quickly once reported.(check out the version control thread on his forum)

i guess he’ll speak for himself, but as I understand it the innards of the OT file protocol itself might not be a thing of beauty but he seems to have navigated it all very well, though has no control himself as to how it might change if there is an OT upgrade! I have confidence though that he’ll do his best to adjust his code if feasible if that happens.

compared to the price of say, 2 maschine packs I think Octaedit is priced just right for me. I’ll actually be slow to upgrade my OT unless there is amazing new functionality released, until I can tell Octaedit will still work as it is THAT useful for my OCD approach to sorting out projects, preloading all slots and moving things around before detaching my OT from the computer.
hope to try all the new functions this weekend if I can keep all my kids at bay so as 'daddy can do some “work” in his office; :slight_smile:

I’ve not yet had a chance to fully use all the new functionality but was lucky enough to be in the early group and I was able to sort out existing and create many new projects from scratch. there were a few minor glitches but rusty fixed them really quickly once reported.(check out the version control thread on his forum)

i guess he’ll speak for himself, but as I understand it the innards of the OT file protocol itself might not be a thing of beauty but he seems to have navigated it all very well, though has no control himself as to how it might change if there is an OT upgrade! I have confidence though that he’ll do his best to adjust his code if feasible if that happens.

compared to the price of say, 2 maschine packs I think Octaedit is priced just right for me. I’ll actually be slow to upgrade my OT unless there is amazing new functionality released, until I can tell Octaedit will still work as it is THAT useful for my OCD approach to sorting out projects, preloading all slots and moving things around before detaching my OT from the computer.
hope to try all the new functions this weekend if I can keep all my kids at bay so as 'daddy can do some “work” in his office; :slight_smile:
I hadn’t considered OT updates before when I was complaining about the price for octa edit. The work rusty is potentially going to have to do then actually makes the price tag seem fairer to me. I’ve had email confirmation last week that an update is on its way. Though no rough date given and the only confirmed change is the fix for rapid flex sample auditioning/preview/switching. But there’s always the hope elektron will throw in some other fx/work flow additions :wink:

Well done Rusty!

Right now its not worth it to me for the amount I would use it, I nearly put my octatrack up for sale last month but its some smart sh*t you’ve done here. :slight_smile:

You dont wanna post some clips of your “cats that know how” tunes on the OT?
By doing so you might have some cred with that post, otherwise, well, you know the drill.

Anyway thank fck its out, but i’m on my way here and have no OT with me

Next week will be on it.

Best of luck Rusty.

8edit looks rad. nice work

weirdly appropriate from a cat that does know, but who the fook are those guys and what sort stuff are/were they trying to do?

On acid in the klongs of bkk?

Maybe someone can do a re-mix with the OT using OE and post it up, I’m sure those cats that dont know could.

As I stated on FB, this product looks great and I’ve been hoping for something like this for a long time. I believe it will be a huge timesaver for me, as I am not very fast with my OT. I am far from rich, but have even less time. So if I just consider $99 part of the cost of the Ocatatrack it makes sense.

Octaedit might be priced a little high, but not much. Comparing this to things like the Voyager Librarian, it does seem a little inflated. The price does not really phase me though. I honestly do not care about how the interface looks so long at works. The Octratrack interface itself while functional is straight out of the 90s.

I am waiting on some positive first person reviews from Mac users, or more in depth videos of the current release in action.

Rusty, you’ve obviously done the lord’s work here. I just need a little push to feel good about the purchase. I will probably buy the software before the long weekend is over :slight_smile:

labor day sale pricing? :wink:

In the interest of full disclosure, there are some graphical anomalies when running in Wine, I’m working through handling / working around these anomalies as it is Wine specific… i.e. not my code, but I’ll see what I can do.

If not sure about anything, just ask, or if you want to see it on OSX/Wine to judge for yourself, no problem, hit me up and we can do a Skype / share screen session or something.

Thats an open offer btw if anyone else is interested.

Just purchased… looking forward to getting stuck in tomorrow.

Holding onto some cash for a trip at the end of the month but will be purchasing after I replenish my piggy bank (although I am a little torn between this and a bigger, faster CF card…)

The price is right - it’s pretty much exactly what I had in mind as a fair figure. Any less and it would be a steal. Thank you for your hard work. I’m looking forward to giving this a spin and maybe (gasp) consolidating some years-old projects!

i just wanted to chime in to say i’m happy to see Rusty’s efforts being rewarded.
well done Rusty! keep up the good work :slight_smile:

Thanks Guga :slight_smile:

I’m going to be dropping a big update in a few days which is a little bit exciting shall we say…

exciting, no doubt