OctaEdit - Octatrack Software Editor and Librarian [ OSX / Windows ]

I think that for version 1 at least it would be bet to avoid getting sidetracked in widgets and interface innovation, and just focus on the goal of being able to safely and correctly edit OT projects. However it would be good to have resources for the dropdown/pick lists that were calibrated in terms of musical charactersitics, eg pitch intervals int he sample screen or standard rhythmic intervals for the retrig time or LFO frequency screens (which may already be in place for all I know).


I appreciate the comments and advice, just wanted to point out that the devil is in the details unfortunately, and as always.

The ability to safely and correctly edit OT projects goes hand in hand with a deep understanding of the structure of the projects, so I need to be able to understand, control and verify all aspects, so the full blown editor makes senes from that point of view imho.

Soā€¦ in saying all thatā€¦ throw some scenarios at me about what kind of things you would want to do when you say:


Ok so hereā€™s a scenario:

Iā€™ve composed a track (contained in a single bank) in a project that I want to copy to a different project/set.

So can I copy the track/trig data, sample slots (and have the samples automatically populate the new project), scene and part information etc etc over into the new project?

Essentially copy-pasting everything that is needed in that song, and have it play as if it was in the original project, without having to re-assign samples and such?

Any word on editing the arrangements too? Maybe I just need to read the manual but iā€™m not sure you can copy paste arrangements around in any easy wayā€¦

Youā€™re doing awesome work Rusty!

EDIT: Also, is it possible to re-arrange flex/static samples and keep their assignment to sample-locks and track assignments? I find things get pretty messy once Iā€™m knee deep in a set of music, changing and importing new samples etc.

This is the one capability Iā€™ve wanted from the OT from the beginning, so thatā€™s my request.

yeah this kind of stuff ^

basically any task where youā€™d otherwise want to use pencil paper & a calculatorā€¦
identify workflow bottlenecks, automate them & wrap in a nice UI = winrar

Yes you can do that.

Yes you can do that.

The only caveat there is that you may need to reassign samples where a conflict exists between existing projectsā€¦ i.e. when merging half a bank with another half a bank, or doing track/pattern/part copies.

Arrangements are a whole other kettle of fish, and one I havenā€™t delved into just yet as the RoI isnā€™t justifiable yet. Or in other words, I donā€™t use arrangments, so who else does?

Not reallyā€¦

Yes, you can do that.

This is the one capability Iā€™ve wanted from the OT from the beginning, so thatā€™s my request. [/quote]

Ok, makes sense.

As above, thats all doable currently.

Unfortunately as mentioned above, itā€™s not just a quick copy/paste scenarioā€¦ there is a lot to check, and a lot of data to understand. Which plays a dual role with the graphical interface.

It then becomes both a development tool for me, and a user tool as wellā€¦ because of course the next thing is people want track to track copy, sample managment, LFO/ARP designers, Library for projects / track settings / effect settings etcā€¦

Maybe I should do as you suggest and look at releasing a first iteration that is primarily a high level manage to provide the cut/copy/paste functionality, but no editing as youā€™ve described.

yes, from my experience with the still-not-ready A4 app, I can say definitely try & keep it simple both for you and your usersā€¦

iā€™ve gotten quite bogged down with that app, itā€™s tough marrying the A4 sequencer structure to a good touch interfaceā€¦

devilā€™s in the details etcā€¦

yes, please release something simple for copying/pasting parts+patterns between projects. the other stuff looks cool, but really the most glaring deficiency for the OT is the inability to select parts+patterns from various projects to be combined into a separate project. i would pay for this functionality alone.


Soā€¦ Copy Pattern/Part from Project A to Project B within the same Set, including all sample assignments etc?

Should be doable, i.e. it is doable. Might look at releasing a mini application to fulfil some of these intermediary needs, to be superceded by the editor laterā€¦

When moving parts+patterns to a new project, the main problem id imagine you encounter is changing sample slot assignments. as a solution, you could set up a mechanism to scan the new projectā€™s available samples to see if the sample already exists. if it does, you can link that sample to that track in the new project. if it doesnt, you could assign the sample to a blank slot, given that memory is enough.

The good news is Iā€™ve already built such a mechanism :slight_smile:

Perhaps not the best plan as a samples settings may be different to the imported one.

What about optimizing the app for use with new projects that are specifically for importing banks and parts from multiple other projects and having each imported bank/part populate sample slots sequentially? This would help keep a lot clearer overview for when sample slots may be used up and no further importing should be attempted. This might also be an easier solution than having the app look for and populate and remap sample assignments to any empty slot?
Or Vice versa in that you would export a bank to a specific project folder with the option to specify which sample slots location to start from sequentially?

Also it would seem important that the app could tell you if loading a bank would result in not enough memory or sample slots available.

So I donā€™t have anything too complex in mind, it seems to me the priority for version 1 is that projects load and play back correctly on the OT with no errors or missing files. It would be nice to edit trigs and so on in the editor, but that is where the OT is easiest to use so I could live with it being read-only right now (I am not sure sure how you would represent plocks for many different parameters effectively and still allow seamless editing).

Where the editor will be strongest in areas where the OT is not so ergonomic, eg managing parts, or being able to compare multiple patterns. I would also see using it for the arranger, which is tricky on the OT because you can only see a limited # of rows and so on - not the most enjoyable way to build a large song.

You now what would be awesome, but I donā€™t know if itā€™s practical yet (or ever); you have the OT connected to the computerā€™s MIDI in, you take a bunch of patterns and just jam away as we all like to do, switching patterns, muting and unmuting tracks etc. The computer records the stream of MIDI/NRPN output from the OT. You stop the OT, transfer the project to your computer via USB, and open it in the editorā€¦then you also load the MIDI you recorded and it builds the arrangement automatically.

While making toast and a nice cup of coffee, of course!

Yes!!! I have played with such things a bit by recording and playing back MIDI CCā€™s into a DAW, and also made it a ways into making VSTā€™s in USine to convert CC to automation data and vice versa as editing automation data in a DAW seems to be typically more advanced than editing controller values, the exception being that automation values are represented as 0-100 and controller data 0-127 which makes things a bit awkwardā€¦ Main problem with playback of controller values is how to sent init values to the hardware when for example changing banks or partsā€¦Anyways, I am rambling, point is and effective way to capture, edit and play back performance data would be an asset for sure!

i would pay NOW

Soā€¦ Copy Pattern/Part from Project A to Project B within the same Set, including all sample assignments etc?

Should be doable, i.e. it is doable. Might look at releasing a mini application to fulfil some of these intermediary needs, to be superceded by the editor laterā€¦[/quote]
this makes me very happy to hear. my continued thanks once again for your efforts on this ā€¦ creating even this mini application would fill a glaring omission in the OTā€™s file management capabilities in my humble opinion.

whatā€™s status of this project?

i found the manual ā€¦ but no information where to actually get it.
Will there be an OSX version?

Pottering along, but I have to worry about feeding my cats first.

The manual you found is for the sample manager, that has been superceded by this software editor.

Pottering along, but I have to worry about feeding my cats first.

The manual you found is for the sample manager, that has been superceded by this software editor.[/quote]
I can feed cats, but cannot write s/w, so what do they like? Iā€™ll bring some aroundā€¦hahahaha