Octatone merging

I’ve been having a heck of a time wiring 6 elektron boxes to send midi to one another in various configurations. I’ve been using the Orange Squeeze to troubleshoot and monitor for midi feedback and its very helpful. There are probably other devices that do this even better (with Max/MSP midi printing being the best) but this thing is pretty handy.

I’m still going to keep trying lol on paper it should work right xD need that arpception track and plockable arp from the OT!

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Not sure these help. :content:
Did you try without turbo?
Why do you need midi loopback?
How is it set?
I think midi loopback is the problem concerning CCs. I’d try OT > DN.
I’d check DN CC/NRPN setting too, and select CC.

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Thank you :pray: will get back to you after work when I hop on my gear ! I was originally following that Digitone + octatrack partnership thread.

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Holy shit reading this thread just gave me a massive headache

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I hope you won’t forget that OT crossfader CC48 is sent with the lowest audio track midi channel not shared with a midi track channel! :content:


Alright, so I did some reading on Multi Map and I think I have this down, but I want to make sure I have it right to trigger sound pool sounds via the OT.

  1. Set multi map to an unused channel on the DN: This means choosing the note range and assigning to my soundpool
  2. Using 2 MIDI tracks on the OT, 1 controls the track melodic sequencing on the respective channel and one controls the MM track on the its respective channel
  3. Program my melodic content, and then make sure to program my soundlock MM notes on the respective MIDI track on the OT

Does this sound about right?

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Seems right if this track is independent from MM, meaning you won’t be able to control MM melody with this track.

If it works like A4 Multi Map, MM should use active track voices (IIRC you can play 4 sounds with A4 MM, only 1 being recorded). I’m curious if you can play 8 MM sounds with DN…:smiley:

Does this mean that multi map only works for one track at a time?

I don’t have a DN, it may differ from A4 Multi Map, so I think my best advice is to try it!

For Soundpool sounds (SND SLOT), I think it uses the active track. But you should be able to record Soundpool sounds, becoming Soundlocks as if you’d have plocked them.

SOUND SLOT sets which one of the 128 Sounds, that are in the Sound pool of the active project, the keyboard range plays.

You can also play track sounds.

TRACK sets which track the selected keyboard range or key plays. AUTO plays the active track, while TRK 1, TRK 2, TRK 3, and TRK 4 sets the range to play the specific synth track of your choice

So it seems like I’d have to set my ranges for tracks 1-4 and then within that somehow set the soundlocks. I’ll toy around with it over the next few days as I have time. Thanks!

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thank you @Open_Mike, you got it right. All of this because of a signle stupid useless guy with no friends faulty cheap MIDI cable.

Holy freaking mother of god everything seems to work now, and everything is back to logic. That was NOT a waste of time. I can merge both of my gear now! thank you so much for helping.


Thanks for posting ! Interesting topic

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Hey Guys. As promised here’s the full setup as I’ve had imagined it
I used a piece of paper to make the setting up easier

CH1 minibrute (vanilla edition)
CH2 kp3+
CH3 0coast

CH8 Auto CH DN (global xfader !!!)

CH9 - X }
CH10 - X } how can I sync to the external world with those 3 ? Work in progress
CH11 - X }

CH13 OT Audio T3, DN MIDI T1
CH14 OT Audio T4, DN MIDI T3
CH15 OT Audio T7, DN MIDI T2
CH16 OT AudioT8, DN MIDI T4

I will be using MIDI learn, MIDI LFOs, LFO designers…
I tried to attach a CC48 on a knob and see how it reacts : very nice workflow not to always use the Xfader, impatient to LFO that one knob and see how fast the sound can be altered (I use heavy scenes modifications with lots of LFOs and FX)

Not to mention I can make a combo rec of 4 tracks with a pLocked Note or a single click, I set this up to record the kaoss pad from its headset output to prevent audio loops, the DN has also its own OT input to mix all my 3 synths and remix the recorded signal and still being able to enjoy the AUX returns of my track mixer.

Everything is merging and it’s giving total crazy results from hell



@sezare56 I tried out the MM stuff last night. It was very odd. Maybe I was setting it up wrong, but it seems that the channel that control the MM soundlock settings also controls melody. I couldn’t play soundlocks with one channel and the melody with another, basically meaning that the soundlock notes played the note with which they were triggered. That’s a bummer. I’ll keep toying around with it and watching videos if I can find any, but for now, it seems that my dreams of sound locking on melodies from the OT is a pipe dream.

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Another question on this. My OT setup is that each “song” is built in 4 patterns per bank, with each set sharing a part across those 4 patterns. Then on the DN, 1 pattern is the soundbank for that song. I want to set program changes up from the OT to the DN, but it seems it simply follows what pattern you are on, so A01 on the OT goes to A01 on the DN and so forth consecutively. This defeats the purpose of using the DN as a sound module since kits still don’t f%^#*#$ exist on the DN. Is there a way to have the pattern changes assigned to parts instead of mimicking patterns?

Yes, you can set an arbitrary Program Change message to be sent in the Note Setup page of your OT MIDI sequencer track when the Part becomes active. Not sure how good the timing will be.

You could alternatively send MIDI note messages to the Multi Map on the DN.


So I’d need to dedicate a MIDI channel to the program changes on the OT? Do you know where in either manual to find that info? I’ll try and search, as well.

Thanks, Peter!

The DN has a setting for Program Change Receive MIDI Channel number. That’s the channel number to use in the Note Setup page for one MIDI sequencer track on the OT.

I tried that but nothing happened. I changed the bank and such settings on that page, too. Is there a specific note that needs to be sent that’s mapped to particular patterns?