Octatrack 1.40

Did they fix copy and pasting patterns while the sequencer is running?

For me that works pretty much never… the pasted pattern is empty. Is it just me? Gotta stop the playback to paste patterns.

haven’t got much to add here as it’s been all said already other than this is a really nice surprise for OT users, which will most probably be happy :smile_cat:
well done Elektron :elot:

Works for me on my MK1. If I understand your problem.

Just do the easy way, put the update file in the root directory and update on the OT


I tried using the Legacy mode in Transfer and kept getting ChkSum Error when sending SysEx. Tried installing by putting the .bin in the root directory of the card: worked fine.


I was having the same issue. @handed has the right idea above.

Just drag the .bin file into the Octa while in USB Disk Mode, eject the Octa, and then run OS Upgrade and reboot. Worked for me!


Thank you thank you


because it isn’t usb midi capable - you’d need a usb to midi adaptor

in any case - bin to cf card every time


I just understood, that the biggest jealousy of my OT to my DN is —

Mute per Pattern.


I keep seeing Scotty from Star Trek sweating when I read these sorts of things :joy:

The .bin update is so painless. I just went into proj.>system>usb disk mode then It’s just drag and drop. Then went selected os upgrade from the same menu.


Or just use c6. Works like a charm.

Thank you everyone, this is definitely the easier route. But for reals, thank you thank you :pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3:


Namely? (I’m trying to learn)

i tend to use c6 for all the other usb midi gear (although transfer is getting quite slick) but it’s just so much quicker and robust to drop the bin file direct on the card - whatever works for anyone is probably best, it’s all i’ve ever done with ot


Hey - long time Elektron User here and this is without a doubt some of the coolest gear news this year. I bought the OT really early on and it is my most favorite box of all time over any manufacturer. 2020 has been quite a year as we all know. Thanks for the positivity Elektron.


caps off a great year for updates: MPC Live, Analog Keys and now Octatrack.


Can you explain how to get those working? I have not used midi into the OT yet, but I connected a midi keyboard and the midi input dot shows on the OT each time I press a key. I messed around with the Channels section, but the audio is still not triggered via the keyboard. I am in Slice mode on the OT. Have I missed something?

Under midi control change audio note in to Follow tm. Then when you select the track make sure you are on the slice trig mode. I also think you need to be sending midi via the auto channel. That should work.


This is such a triumph of an update.
So many quality-of-life improvements, even implementing just one of them would have been awesome.