Octatrack 1.40

Ah. Omg. I don’t think I could handle another update.

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Yes, this is amazing!

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Wooot!!! Thanks this is amazing!!! Tempo per pattern :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

Holy Cow! Since I started my Elektron journey with an A4 I wished for this feature on the OT.

Check out the new manual - all the deets are in there. It’s saying incoming midi notes can affect per the trig mode for all tracks, or, you can map the trig mode to be affected by incoming midi per track ie slices on one track, slots on another etc.

at least I think that’s right, lol


It’s klingon to me too


Ah, ok thats the MIDI slots and slices thing, thanks.

Hi, can anyone explain the ‘Midi Trig Modes’ update? I’ve read the below description but don’t understand what is new, and what this makes possible. Thanks!

MIDI Trig Modes

The Octatrack now has additional MIDI Trig Modes, giving you extra ways to activate your sounds. Connect a MIDI keyboard or pads to the device to play slices and sample slots with ease, and record them straight into the sequencer. A reason to be Trig happy.

Impressive! I’ve bought and sold the OT more times than I’d like to admit, but this may just draw me back in one more time!

So, with the triggering of slices via Midi, does it record note velocity too? @sezare56

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Basically, now you have extra ways to activate your sounds! :slight_smile:

“Trig Modes” are those ones that you control by pressing FUNC + UP/DOWN: Trigs, Chromatic, Slices, Slots, Delays… it affects the mode 1-16 keys work. Now you can trig those 1-16 trigs from a midi controller.


Talk like that and you’ll make them take the OS update back :smiley:


Do you then convert the mapped trigs to triggless trigs, so you can play them over midi without the sequencer trigging the slices ?

Historically there was a work around (which @sezare56 was the master of) whereby you could send a couple of CCmessages in quick succession to trigger slices via midi.
There was an inherent time lag (X ms - can’t remember exactly) which was frustrating as it meant it was flawed.

@sezare56 as I could have guessed you’ve jumped on this with typical aplomb. Can you confirm whether there is still a lag when triggering slices via midi ? or whether it is now instantaneous ?
If the latter, that is a MAJOR update that changes things for me massively

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Thank you dear Elektron Team :heart:

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He puts the lotion on the octatrack


Just asking :upside_down_face:

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I’m still working it out, but managed to trigger slices over MIDI with no lag


I really appreciate that they didn’t tease anything weeks ahead (except few Insta posts) and just delivered.

Yesterday I was a bit disappointed, today I’m blown away :elot: :heart:


Yes !!!
That is GREAT news